Neil Gorsuch: What the Primary Job of the Supreme Court Justices Is Not About

Published: Tue, 03/21/17

"The primary job of the Supreme Court justice is not to uphold the will of the majority of the moment. The primary job of the Supreme Court is not to reflect the popular opinions of the day"... Read more here
It all started for Chuck Berry on 21 May 1955 with Chuck’s simple three-chord (A, D7, E7) recording of Maybellene, an adaption of “Ida Red,” with Jerome Green on maracas, Johnnie Johnson on piano (see some of Johnson’s great albums below with Berry’s), Jasper Thomas on drums, and the legendary Willie Dixon on bass. By the end of June 1956...Read more here
My friend Chris Edwards at the Cato Institute writes that President Trump has given his budget director Mick Mulvaney a strong mandate for reducing the size of government. Government has grown too fast for too many years, and a substantial reorganization is...Read more here
When Sen. John McCain called for a unanimous vote in favor of allowing Montenegro into the NATO military alliance, Sen. Rand Paul stood up and opposed the measure. Did he kill Montenegrin NATO membership?...Read more here
The Republican plan to repeal and replace ObamaCare had barely been released before the proposal was “savaged from both left and right, by most of the media, by various interest groups, including doctors, hospitals, and insurance companies, and by virtually anyone else with an opinion,”...Read more here.  
One of the most popular passes in the business today is Vail’s Epic Pass. Vail announced last month the purchase, for $50 million, of Stowe Mt. in Vermont, one of my all-time favorites in the...Read more here
After James Clapper (Obama’s former Director of National Intelligence) and Mike Morell (Obama’s former acting CIA Director) have both said they saw no evidence of collusion between Donald Trump and Russia while they were still working for the government, Pat Buchanan says the Democrats will have...Read more here
What we are witnessing in Washington over the repealing and replacing of ObamaCare is not what the media would have you believe...Read more here
Senator Rand Paul has introduced the National Right to Work Act in the U.S. Senate. If enacted, the law would end forced unionization in all fifty states. Backing Sen. Paul on the bill is...Read more here