The Trump Administration is Strangling the Flow of Illegal Immigrants

Published: Tue, 04/18/17

Wall or no wall, the actions of the Trump administration are slowing the flow of illegal immigrants across the southern border to a trickle. Some illegal immigrants who have already made it inside the country are even fleeing north to Canada. ​​​​​​​.. Read more here.
The Air Force just dropped a GBU-43B, Massive Ordinance Air Blast bomb, a.k.a. the Mother of All Bombs on an ISIS in Afghanistan mountain tunnel complex. The bomb is largest non-nuclear device in America’s arsenal...See video here.
The Obama administration was the beneficiary of unprecedented low- interest rates, which helped keep the economy moving... Read more here.
 ​​​​​The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol has reported plummeting illegal border crossings in 2017. The CBP’s release of March statistics on apprehensions and inadmissibles showed that many people aren’t even attempting to cross the border ...Read more here.
 ​​​​​​​If you think Donald Trump’s first months in the White House has had its fair share of ups and downs, hold on, writes Michael Tanner, senior fellow at the Cato Institute. We haven’t seen anything yet ...Read more here.
 ​​​​​​​Lockheed Martin issued a press release on April 10th, 2017 announcing a successful demonstration of a technique for using fighter jets called manned/unmanned teaming...Read more here.
Greetings from Paris - By Dick and Debbie Young
 Read about our travels to Paris and the rest of France here.
​​​​​​​Unless America is willing to go to war with a nuclear super-power with the ability to destroy all life on earth, its leaders must understand how they can influence Russia by other means. ..Read more here