How's This for an Obama Legacy?

Published: Tue, 05/30/17

From NRO’s Andrew McCarthy, read about the Obama White House’s unlawful surveillance and massive abuse of foreign intelligence gathering...Read more here.
Writing at The American Conservative, Pat Buchanan praises President Donald Trump for scolding NATO’s other leaders on their countries’ failure to adequately support the alliance with increased defense spending...Read more here.
A study by the University of Michigan says that older Americans are living too frugally. They are afraid of spending their money, and instead are dying with money left over...Read more here.
In a press release issued on May 24th, 2017, DARPA stated that Boeing has been selected for phase 2 and 3 (Fabrication & Flight) of the XS-1 space plane...Read more here.
In The American Conservative, Peter Van Buren explains why Hillary Clinton lost in 2016, and why Democrats are going to have a very hard time making headway in 2018...Read more here.
Chris Edwards, a friend of mine and the director of tax policy studies at Cato Institute, gives praise to the President’s budget proposals...Read more here.
Show me a good loser and I’ll show you a loser—words often attributed to Notre Dame football coach and legend Knute Rockne... Read more here.
In an intriguing article by Elisabeth Braw in Foreign Policy, she writes that Germany is building an integrated European army of sorts outside the auspices of NATO...Read more here.
Buy low, sell high. A simple concept. Hard to do. Just ask the baby boomers...Read more here.
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