The President-Only Accountable to the Electorate

Published: Tue, 05/16/17

Think back. Do you remember 1993 and William Sessions? Mr. Sessions, appointed by President Reagan, was the FBI Director who served through Bush 41’s term...Read more here.
The Swiss have one of the freest, safest, happiest countries in the world. Is it the country’s unique political system that makes Switzerland such a great place to live and work? I call their system The Swiss Way, and its mix of federalism, direct democracy and neutrality should be emulated wherever possible...Watch the video here.
So maybe you’ve been prepping for a few years and your home is all set.
You’ve got food, water, a generator and all the other materials and plans you’ll need to keep the house and your family safe...Read more here.
Pat Buchanan writes that in the 1950s there was a term for constant bullying over connections with Russia, it was called McCarthyism...Read more here.
The Media—Going over the Edge with Trump By Debbie Young​​​​​​​
Even the Media has rules, or used to have. Hatred for Donald Trump is so intense it has destroyed journalists’ “judgement and in some cases affected their character.” Tucker Carlson describes the hysteria that has engulfed the media as it rushes to degrade itself further...Watch the video here.

A Google researcher named Neel Mehta has discovered a common bit of code shared by the WannaCry attack and an older program known as Contopee...Read more here.
The AP is reporting that the U.S. has possible plans to deploy a long-range Patriot Missile battery in Lithuania. This would be a first for the system in the Baltics...Read more here.
​​​​​​​On Sunday, Microsoft’s chief counsel, Brad Smith, wrote on the company’s blog that the NSA’s hoarding of software vulnerabilities, and then having them stolen was similar to having some Tomahawk missiles stolen...Read more here.

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