Lots More Coal

Published: Wed, 07/05/17

Lots More Coal  By Debbie Young
The New York Times is worried.  China, it maintains, is in the process of seizing “climate leadership” from the United States and, along the way, reaping the economic and diplomatic rewards that come from dominating the world markets for...Read more here
Last week former Attorney General Eric Holder hinted that he might run for president in 2020. There are many reasons why this would be a nightmare for Americas, but one of the more appalling is Holder’s refusal to prosecute Lois Lerner for...Read more here
Even before the EMP Commission report, utilities have been trying to harden their infrastructure against the multitude of threats they face. EMP attacks, cyber threats, and even physical attacks like the one in Metcalf, California in 2014 are situations that power stations must prepare for. But at The National Interest, Constance Douris writes that power utilities have left a gaping hole in their defenses against...Read more here
By now you have heard about how a US F/A-18E Super Hornet downed a Syrian Su-22 fighter jet on June 18th. The news spread around media outlets like wildfire as it was the first manned aircraft downed by the US since 1999. Once the smoke cleared we learned the Su-22 “Fitter”, a 30-year-old Cold War era jet, somehow managed to evade the US military’s...Read more here
Tyrannis Delenda Est  By Richard C. Young
As your research representative, I would not agree to vote for the new health care bill as it stands today. Unlike senators, I am not running for office and am not seeking your vote to put me back in Washington for six more years. Keep this in mind as you consider the new health bill as it relates to your family and small business....Read more here
Words that come to mind when you hear the name Elon Musk are Tesla, electric cars, solar, batteries, rockets, futurist…but prepper? It turns out Musk believes the Apocalypse is nigh, and that’s why he’s developed a plan called...Read more here
The Boston Celtics are not going to beat LeBron James’ Cleveland Cavs in 2018. The Boston Celtics are not going to beat a potential LeBron James LA Lakers in 2019. The Boston Celtics will be...Read more here
The Impeachment Muddle  By Debbie Young
President Donald Trump is being roundly criticized for tweeting insults against Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, two MSNBC anchors who make their living insulting him. But Donald Trump did not give up his First Amendment rights when he took the oath of office, James Freeman points out in the WSJ. It’s unclear why the president would denigrate fellow celebrities, says Mr. Freeman, but it may have something to do with...Read more here
Pat Buchanan asks if the United States should be bound to defend South Korea in perpetuity. What vital U.S. interest is being protected in South Korea? Americans have been guarding the Demilitarized Zone since the Korean War armistice in 1953. Will it ever end, or will America be forced into...Read more here
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