Why Every U.S. Citizen Should Be Thanking Donald Trump

Published: Tue, 06/06/17

Below are three comparisons showing why the United States’ commitment to reduce “greenhouse gas” emissions by 26-28% below 2005 levels by 2025, which is only 8 years away, is such a bad deal for the U.S....Read more here
Debbie and I travel to France’s countryside twice a year, and have run into a surprising number of Americans who have made purchases ranging from a run down old Provence farmhouse with ancient olive trees and some modest vineyard holdings to a Grand Cru vineyard in Burgundy and even the most beautiful wine estate just south of...Read more here
If you’re looking for a place to live and work it’s hard to beat Charleston-North Charleston, South Carolina, ranking 4th for mid-sized cities in the report by Joel Kotkin of newgeography.com and Dr. Michael Shires: 2017 Best Cities for Growth....Read more here
Pat Buchanan asks hard questions of both Western leaders and Muslim leaders about what is acceptable behavior, and just how much they are willing to tolerate the parts of Islam that are incompatible with traditional Western values....Read more here
The Washington establishment—Republicans, Democrats, the Beltway media—loath Donald Trump and are still “bitterly angry that their wisdom was spat upon by the voters,” writes John Kass in the Chicago Tribune....Read more here
California is dreaming. Where else in the world do regular homes go for well over $2 million bucks? There are cracks in that foundation. As an aside, take a look at the chart. The top three holdings in the MSCI USA Growth Index are: Apple, Amazon.com, and Facebook. Look familiar?...See the chart here. 
Stratolaunch Systems, founded by Paul Allen in 2011, is looking to develop an air launched platform that will make low Earth orbit (LEO) space launches more like airport-style takeoffs. With a wingspan that stretches the length of a football field, the Stratolaunch is ranked among the largest aircrafts in history. It has...Read more here
Evergreen State, a small public liberal-arts college in Olympia, WA, traditionally hosts a yearly Day of Absence in which “students and faculty of color organized a day on which they met off campus—a symbolic act based on the Douglas Turner Ward play in which all the black residents of a Southern town fail to show up one morning.” This year was different, however...Read more here
The user experience on the Internet of late has taken on the feeling of 1980s Times Square, a bit sleazy and advertising everywhere. Google is about to clean up many of the most annoying ads....Read more here
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