Work to Make Money/Invest to Save Money

Published: Tue, 10/17/17

With the exception of the large sums of money that I invested in zero-coupon treasuries (Benham Target Funds) in the 1980s and 1990s, I have never invested based on how much money I expected to make. I work to make money. And I save to keep every dime of the money I have worked a lifetime to earn. There was a day when I had darn few of those dimes. Those days made an indelible impression on me, and will so forever....Read more here

When thinking about water storage, I like to break it down into three needs: short, intermediate, and long-term. Short-term needs are immediate and can last anywhere from 2 hours to 3 days. In some situations you may have some time to prepare, such as for a storm. But I’m thinking about a short-term emergency that catches you off guard....Read more here

President Obama, with the passing of his legacy ACA, understood that insurance companies, without reimbursement, would a) flee the Exchanges or b) raise prices prohibitively. “To prevent that, he violated the law,” writes Andrew McCarthy....Read more here
You won’t believe your good fortune. You just arrived in Paris, checked in to your room at Hotel Franklin Roosevelt and decided to turn left on to Rue Clement Marot. You are on your way to the most beautiful boulevard in Paris....Read more here
During the 2013 White House event, Michelle Obama called Mr. Weinstein not only a  “wonderful human being,” but also “a good friend and just a powerhouse.” Although now we read that the Obamas are “disgusted” with his behavior. Certainly hope so....Read more here
The Neocon-led establishment GOP loves the idea of decertifying the Iran nuclear deal. None-other than the Obamacare-repeal blocking, tax cut threatening Senator John McCain has lined up in support of reneging on the deal....Read more here
Doctors are turning to what might be the best weapon you’ve got against cancer, your own body. Immunotherapy is a technique that uses a body’s own defenses against the sickness. Doctors are increasingly exploring the use of immunotherapy to treat patients for a range of cancers....Read more here.
Can Small Town America Be Saved?  By Richard C. Young
The American Conservative recently printed a version of a speech given by Bill Kauffmann. He was speaking at “Revitalizing Jackson’s Main Street,” an event held by The American Conservative in Jackson, Michigan in September. Kauffmann is a prolific author, and in his book Dispatches from the Muckdog Gazette, he focuses on small town America....Read more here
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