The Obama Administration's Uranium Scandal

Published: Tue, 10/24/17

Bill and Hillary Clinton were just doing what the Clintons do best—cashing in on their “public service.” A Kremlin-tied Russian bank paid the former president $500,000 for a single speech. Clinton’s wife Hillary was then secretary of state...Read more here.
Congratulations! The simple fact that you’re reading about water storage puts you ahead of the pack. Believe me, it takes work to figure this stuff out for your family. My goal is to share with you what I’ve learned to help you create your own plan. I’ve broken my water plan into three phases...Read more here.
One of the greatest fears of a war with North Korea, aside from its nuclear weapons, is the proximity of massive North Korean artillery batteries to Seoul, the capital of South Korea. Seoul is home to nearly 10 million people, with another 14 million or so in the surrounding region....Read more here.
Former presidents traditionally try not to criticize or comment on their successors. President Obama stated that, after leaving office, he would only address “core values.” Which brings up the question, by not commenting on the allegations that Russia was involved in rigging the 2016 presidential election, does that mean President Obama does not think there is anything to it?...Read more here.
You know you’ve arrived, literally and figuratively, the minute you see Place de la Concorde up on your left and Hôtel de Crillon on your right. As your driver pulls up you are surrounded by regally dressed staff, guiding you to the historic facade as if it’s your movie being premiered. Welcome to the mansion built for Louis XV, and, since July 2017 after a four-year renovation, for you too....Read more here.
At The American Conservative, Pat Buchanan worries that with ISIS failing, the way will be paved for Iran to dominate Iraq and Syria. What then? Will the U.S. fight to prevent Iranian control of the Shia Crescent, or will America turn its back on the Kurds who helped defeat ISIS?...Read more here.
If you’re a small business owner, then you probably can’t relate to the full court press from what seems like all of New England—and the rest of America for that matter—hoping to lure Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos to choose their city or state for its second headquarters. You might be saying to yourself “no one put on a press conference to have me move to start a business.” Which is why I like the approach New Hampshire is taking....Read more here.
Some markets need destabilizing. One in particular is the ObamaCare exchange. According to the WSJ, in about half the counties in the U.S., there is no competition for individual insurance—only highly regulated insurers....Read more here.
Robert W. Merry, editor of The American Conservative, and author of the upcoming book President McKinley: Architect of the American Century, says war between America and Russia is nearly inevitable. The thrust of Merry’s argument is that the U.S. is backing the Russians into a corner from which there is no peaceful escape....Read more here.
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