Everyone is Missing This Detail in the Tax Plan

Published: Tue, 10/31/17

While the Tax Policy Center and anyone with an ax to grind is out hammering the GOP and the President for giving the wealthy a bigger tax cut than the middle class, Chris Edwards says otherwise...Read more here.
In The American Conservative, Daniel Larison explains that the most important piece of advice in George Washington’s farewell address is also the most ignored...Read more here.
The Washington Post has reported that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC helped fund research containing allegations about then-candidate Donald Trump connections to Russia and the Kremlin...Read more here.
Preparing yourself for the next disaster gives you a certain mindset. You’re always trying to absorb as much information as possible from all of life’s experiences. And they all don’t have to be gloom and doom...Read more here.
“The real Russia scandal? Clinton campaign paid for the fake Russia dossier, then lied about it & covered it up,” tweeted White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders...Read more here.
Andrew Bracevich, writing at The American Conservative, explains how the political elite, here represented by Sen. John McCain and New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, are stretching beyond the bounds of rational thought in their contempt for the president...Read more here.
At The American Conservative, Pat Buchanan lays into the shady alliance of elites from the neocon wing of the GOP and the Democrat Party to smear Donald Trump...Read more here.
Take it from me, there’s a lot that can be forgotten before you leave on your trip to Paris. For example, if you use a debit card, you don’t want to forget to call your bank or credit card company to let them know you’re going to be out of the country...Read more here.
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