Is America’s Moment of Unity Fleeting?

Published: Tue, 10/03/17

Despite a brief moment of national unity following the terrible massacre in Las Vegas, Pat Buchanan questions whether or not the country can hold onto that for very long....Read more here.
Recently I was on a boots-on-the-ground research day as I checked out the current status of four Palace-designated hotels. Here are my initial thoughts on three of the group...Read more here.
Exactly what are the NFL players protesting when kneeling during the playing of our National Anthem?...Read more here.
Steve Bannon has called for binding together to contain the conflict with Islamic fascism. Here, The Atlantic’s Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins and Brittany Pheiffer Noble explain Bannon’s approach to thinking about the threat of Islamic fascism and what can be done...Read more here.
Writing for the Cato Institute, Ryan Bourne explains that there will be many winners if corporate tax rates are cut. Shareholders, employees and consumers will share the spoils, but the proportion of the benefit each group receives is harder to predict ...Read more here.
The WSJ’s Daniel Henninger prefers baseball to either football or basketball. Baseball is all about … well, yes, playing baseball, he explains. It is not political or personal or more things than the average fan can process...Read more here.
For years gun owners in blue states have been stymied by restrictions on concealed carry that force them to prove a special “need” before they are allowed to exercise their rights. Now, the results of a court case in Washington D.C. may be about to upend that...Read more here.
Milton Ezrati writes in The American Conservative that after winning her fourth chancellorship, Angela Merkel’s position is weak. Her party lost support, and the anti-EU Alternative for Germany entered parliament as a minority party ...Read more here.

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