Why are 83 Rogue Afghan Soldiers Hiding in America?

Published: Tue, 11/07/17

Over 150 Afghan soldiers brought to America for training have gone rogue in the last few years, with 83 of them still on the loose. These are men with military training, roaming the streets...Read more here.
“Your Survival Guy” found himself rummaging through the kitchen drawer Halloween night, looking for some flashlights to give to his son and his four friends before they hit the streets...Read more here.
In the WSJ, Jason L. Riley makes the case that Bill Clinton’s conduct lowered the bar for acceptable behavior in the White House, subsequently allowing a Donald Trump to be president...Read more here.
The Russian Witch Hunt By Steve Schneider
For Debbie and me, our favorite Paris arrondissement is undoubtedly St. Germain-des-Prés, one of four administrative quarters in the 6th. The former Abbey St. Germain-des-Prés, the oldest church in Paris, the 6th’s center, is surrounded by art and antique galleries, historic monuments, upscale boutiques, and iconic cafes, brasseries and bistros...Read more here.
As I wrote to you in my five-part series on water storage herehereherehere and here, there are plenty of ways for you to store potable water. But how can you turn stored water into great tasting water?...Read more here.
The United States needs a new air-to-air missile that can keep up with the new active electronically scanned array (AESA) radars currently aboard the F-22 and F-35...Read more here.
In the small Texas town where Devin Patrick Kelley shot up a congregation last Sunday, residents are praising the local who used a gun of his own to stop the psychopath from committing any more murders...Read more here.
Are you uneasy over the way social media is infiltrating U.S. politics? So much misinformation, if not dishonest info, about public matters is “something new under the sun,” writes Holman Jenkins in the WSJ...Read more here.
So much for that tax cut we’ve all been hoping for—it looks like the swamp in Washington is alive and well. If this is a tax-cut for the rich, imagine what a tax increase would look like. Don’t get me started...Read more here.
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