It's Morning Again in America

Published: Wed, 12/20/17

Eight years of a Marxist influenced administration focused on more regulation, higher taxes on the “rich”, and more redistribution stifled growth in one of the most dynamic economies in the world. Just how much growth was stifled is becoming more evident the further we move away from the Obama years...Read more here.
The Cattleman .22 action revolver, reminiscent of the revolver used in the 19th century west, is ideal for cowboys and target shooting. Below is a write-up from Ammoland...Read more here.
Triconex, a piece of control software widely used in power facilities, including nuclear plants, has been targeted by hackers...Read more here.
In the Middle East, an area that has been at war for well over a decade now, war fighting skills are given a priority over other forms of vocational training...Read more here.
HPE’s STACK That interviewed Othman Laraki about the future of healthcare and artificial intelligence. Listen to the podcast below for a discussion on using the body’s massive amount of data output...Read more here.
Watching the devastation of the California wildfires, and the havoc they have brought to so many families is heart breaking. With firefighters having only limited success in battling the blazes...Read more here.
America’s oldest ally has always been a bystander to diplomacy in the Middle East.  It’s time they took on a bigger role says Leon Hadar of the American Conservative...Read more here.
Is America heading to war with Iran? If so, who would likely be our ally? At the American Conservative Pat Buchanan writes about a possible propaganda campaign to drum up support for the next big war in the middle east...Read more here.
Do the past two months of electoral losses for the GOP have a familiar ring to them? Indeed, writes Rich Lowry in NRO...Read more here.
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