The Navy SEALs' Favorite Gun

Published: Tue, 12/26/17

I own two Sig Sauer P226s and have trained for days at the Sig Sauer Academy to gain proficiency. I recommend you get your guns and your training in 2018 whether it’s with a P226 or another make or model...Read more here.
President Trump’s 2017 busybody National Security Strategy (NSS) guide is every bit as dangerous for America as 1992’s Defense Planning Guidance report (DPG). Robert Merry explains the shear folly of Trump’s NSS...Read more here.
Once again, former President Obama is taking executive order to another level. Chicago’s favored son is rankling many of its citizens over plans for his presidential library...Read more here.
Jeffrey Lewis is the rare scholar who combines the ability to write engagingly with knowledge of national security. His piece in a recent Washington Post Outlook section explaining “how nuclear war with North Korea would unfold” was an eye-opener...Read more here.
Michael Scheuer, the former head of the CIA’s bin Laden unit, demands that President Trump fulfills his promise to put Americans first...Read more here.
In the North, with winter comes bitter cold. Weather extremes, be it heat, cold, moisture or anything else, call for extra levels of preparedness. When driving you should take special care to prepare yourself and your vehicle for cold weather...Read more here.
Will the New York Times or Larry Summers be able to handle the truth that reduced taxes will be showing up in paychecks soon? In the WSJ’s Best of the Web, James Freeman outlines what he calls the February Surprise...Read more here.
President Trump has made great strides in tearing down the Obama legacy, and it appears he’s now about to reverse course on one more decision by Obama ...Read more here.
President Trump has made great strides in tearing down the Obama legacy, and it appears he’s now about to reverse course on one more decision by Obama. The Trump administration is planning on sending lethal defensive weaponry to Ukraine...Read more here.
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