Is Mueller Going After the Truth, or Trump?

Published: Tue, 01/02/18

After more than a year of investigating possible Trump/Russia collusion, Robert Mueller and his team have nothing to show for themselves. How long will this investigation take, and is Mueller really searching for the truth, or is he searching for a way to bury Trump?...Read more here.

President Donald Trump’s governance this year–especially the last three weeks–has been more conservative than that of George W. Bush or even Ronald Reagan, notes Ben Shapiro in NRO. Trump’s achievements in his 11 months in office...Read more here.

After enacting the largest tax cuts since Ronald Reagan’s, Republicans will now have a chance to campaign on their efforts. Whether in 2018, or 2020 the effects of the tax cuts will be put to the test at the polls....Read more here.
In the January/February of The American Conservative, editor Robert W. Merry (author of President McKinley: Architect of the American Century) gets the blue ribbon for offering all Americans a balanced review of the 2017 accomplishments and failures of President Donald Trump....Read more here.
If you know even a little about Champagne, you most likely would name Chardonnay and Pinot Noir as the leading blending grapes of Champagne. But there is another grape–a workhorse, so to speak–that is often overlooked....Read more here.
Securities valuations are at the highest levels they’ve ever been. You can see on my price-to-sales ratio chart of the S&P 500 that valuations are higher today than they were during even the dotcom era....Read more here.

On Wednesday, St. Petersburg, Russia was hit by a terrorist’s bomb in a supermarket. The bomb, loaded with shrapnel injured 13 people. When giving orders to find the terrorists, Vladimir Putin told law enforcement to “liquidate the bandits on the spot.”....Read more here.


As the year draws to a close I want to review some of the most read posts on in 2017. These are the posts that got the most attention from readers like you....Read more here.


Worried that the federal tax reform will negatively affect the state of New York, Andrew Cuomo told CNN that the new law may be “unconstitutional.” “We’re going to propose a restructuring of our tax code. I’m not even sure what they [Republicans] did is legally constitutional and that’s something we’re looking at now. You can change the tax code. You can’t penalize my state because of its political affiliation. There’s never been a double taxation before in the history of the nation.” ​​​​​​​Sure there has, responds the WSJ....Read more here.

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