
Published: Tue, 12/12/17

Crash!  By Richard C. Young
I have been investing since the spring of 1964, and I do not remember being as uncomfortable with the health of the financial markets as I am today. Given that unpleasant prelude, I also want to advise all investors that my own investing position has not changed since I began investing 53 years ago...Read more here.
How does the FBI create an entrapment scheme? It’s easy, explains Francis Menton in the Manhattan Contrarian. The FBI asks you to detail a conversation you had, which the FBI happens to have recorded...Read more here.
Nestled in the shadow of Russia, Finland is a sparsely populated country of only 5.5 million souls. As Finland celebrates its 100th year of independence from Russia, it is focused on maintaining all the success it has had over the last century...Read more here.
Alabama must make a decision between two far-from-perfect candidates. I rarely vote the candidate. I vote on the issues I care about most: those that center on Liberty and the Constitution...Read more here.
Who Will Police the Police?  By Debbie Young
This week, Judicial Watch released an email from Andrew Weissmann, a senior Justice prosecutor working with Mueller, in which he praised former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, writes Kimberely Strassel in the WSJ...Read more here.
Each day I try to get you to consider the broad spectrum of risk in your life, and to determine the appropriate response level to that risk. A risk that is becoming more prevalent today is that of a cyber attack on America’s power grid...Read more here.
Last week, nearly one million fans payed tribute to rock star Johnny Hallyday. President Emmanuel Macron, former presidents Francois Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy...Read more here.
At The American Conservative, Daniel Larison asks if “rapprochement with Russia still possible?” Another question that must first be answered is, does anyone in Washington actually want better relations with Russia?..Read more here.
The old saying “if you’re not a liberal when you’re young you have no heart, and if you’re not a conservative when you’re old you have no brain,” has held up pretty well through the decades...Read more here.
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