Dow Down Over 1,000 Points

Published: Tue, 02/06/18

Dow Down Over 1,000 Points  By Richard C. Young 
What great news for me and for you if you are actually an investor. I mean a real, seasoned investor. One who embraces common sense, patience and the acuity that comes with decades studying the power...Read more here.
When stocks were down 1,600 points yesterday, “The websites of two of the country’s biggest robo-advisers—Wealthfront Inc. and Betterment LLC—crashed,” reports Bloomberg...Read more here.
Having trouble navigating through the non-stop spin on the 2016 government surveillance abuses? The House Intelligence Committee’s memo reportedly is to be released today...Read more here.
A Tom Rush in Paradise Event  By Richard C. Young
Back in the sixties, Tom Rush was a driving force in the folk music scene at Club 47 in Harvard Square, Cambridge Mass. At that time, I lived on the 2nd floor of a two-decker walk-up rat hole on Forest St., a tired little backstreet behind the old Forest Café on Mass. Ave., just off the square... Read more here.
In his SOTU speech, President Trump, advocating civil service reform, would like Congress to “empower every cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust ...Read more here.
Even when called on to work together, Democrats sat on their hands during President Trump’s first State of the Union address. Despite a speech that at many times transcended partisanship, cheering on great American themes...Read more here.
If you’re interested in sampling the best Paris has to offer, but don’t have the time to do the deep research necessary to guide yourself through the arrondissements, you need a great, English speaking tour, with small groups, and knowledgeable guides...Read more here.
Today’s hysteria about the Trump administration was “already deeply seeded in the federal government throughout the 2016 campaign and the 2016–17 transition.” As Victor Davis Hanson explains in NRO, there seems to have been a number of powerful Obama officials​​​​​​​...Read more here.
As I have written before, in Puerto Rico, the conditions today are unimaginable for most Americans. Some residents have been without power for months, and they have been relying heavily on donated food and water...Read more here.
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