Our House in Key West Post Irma

Published: Tue, 01/16/18

Our House in Key West Post Irma  By Dick and Debbie Young
You can never be too prepared. After I wrote a piece about building better homes in areas prone to wildfires, a client and I began talking about the subject. He lives in California and is already ahead of the game in preparing for potential wildfires that could affect his neighborhood...Read more here.
Andrew Bracevich writes in The American Conservative that the U.S.’s backing of Saudi Arabia is positively bizarre. Saudi is one of the world’s worst regimes. Bracevich suggests that the entire plan for U.S. engagement...Read more here.
Despite what the media regularly dishes out about “Dreamers” being model youth who are looking only to fulfill their dream of finishing college and achieving upward mobility, it’s a myth, Victor Davis Hanson tells readers in the LA Times...Read more here.
The Battlefield of the Future  By Steve Schneider
Israeli Company, UVision, which makes unmanned aerial loitering munition systems, has successfully demonstrated its Hero-400EC. The Hero family of systems ranges from miniature tactical to larger operational loitering munitions for air, land, and naval platforms...Read more here.
At The American Conservative, Pat Buchanan tells readers that with a population mostly born after Iran’s Islamic Revolution, time is not on the side of the ayatollahs. Young Iranians are looking for the same things most young people are looking for, freedom and opportunity...Read more here.
I’ve always been amazed at how quickly investors forget what it feels like to lose money. One of my favorite economists, whom will remain unnamed, is a constant stock market cheerleader. He’s never met a market he hasn’t liked. I love his optimism and I too believe, like he does, that Trump’s tax cuts will keep us chugging along for some time...Read more here.
The Immigration Outrage  By Debbie Young
Below is a short list, from the most widely accepted metric–from The UN Human Development Index–for how well a given country is doing in the world...Read more here.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio has announced he will run for Senate in Arizona. Arpaio is known for his strong efforts to rein in illegal aliens in Maricopa County...Read more here.
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