Trump: 100 Octane Fuel Powers U.S. Economic Engine

Published: Tue, 02/13/18

Every productive American should send President Trump an email of profuse thanks for blasting the long dormant U.S. economy onto the fast track...Read more here.
The abuses by the IRS targeting political opposition during the Obama era are about to come to an end. The WSJ reports...Read more here.
When the 59-year old head of Softbank, Masayoshi Son, met with the 31-year old deputy crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) for 45 minutes in Tokyo, MbS committed $45 billion to Son’s Vision Fund...Read more here.
Michael Scheuer, the former head of the CIA’s bin Laden unit tears apart FBI leadership for what he calls “sedition, arrogance, and criminality.” On his blog he explains his views on the FBI through his own experience with the bureau...Read more here.
“I simply asked for one thing in this broken process: a 15-minute vote on whether those caps should or should not be broken. The furor this request set off among leadership...Read more here.
With the uproar over President Trumps alleged belittling of some underdeveloped countries, Victor Davis Hanson suggests a plan to help counter the disparagement of calling countries “sh**holes:” Relocate the United Nations to an underdeveloped nation...Read more here.
Trump proposed cutbacks, and plenty of them. The Republican elites voted against the President. Now deficits and debt are front and center topics of discussion. Let’s leave President Trump out of the discussion...Read more here.
I have been following the rise of the “ghost gun” movement for some time. It turns out, it’s not so hard to build your own untraceable firearm. Unsurprisingly, people in states with the most restriction on the ownership of firearms are most likely to decide to build their own at home...Read more here.
Lockheed Martin has just declared the extended range Joint Air-to-air Standoff Missile (JASSM-ER) operational on the F-15E Strike Eagle. The JASSM-ER’s range of greater than 500 nautical miles is three times further than the standoff distance of the original JASSM...Read more here.
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