Have You Heard? The Tea Party is Dead

Published: Tue, 02/20/18

Matt Purple explains at The American Conservative that, after many throes of death, the Tea Party has finally expired. Building off of a post written by Matt Kibbe, formerly of Freedom Works, Purple declares the Tea Party dead with the recent passage of...Read more here.
Tragedy struck last week in Parkland, Florida when 17 people were murdered by a psychopath as they attempted to enjoy their school day. As a parent hearing stories like this, it can be hard to send your child in to school the next day. The best we can do for our kids is to prepare for the sad reality that someday they may experience a situation like this....Read more here.
“This kid exhibited every single known red flag, from killing animals to having a cache of weapons to disruptive behavior to saying he wanted to be a school shooter. If this isn’t a person who should have gotten someone’s attention, I don’t know who is. This was a multi-system failure,"...Read more here.
Buried Treasure found in Épernay  By Richard C. Young
In 1900 disaster struck the Champagne producing operation of Pol Roger in Épernay. Buildings and cellars collapsed after cold and damp weather had deteriorated their stability, burying 1.5 million bottles and 500 casks of wine. Now, Champagne Pol Roger, the company bearing the founder’s name, is excavating the site of the cave in order to build new facilities....Read more here.
Based on how often Dick and I are in the “Mermaid,” it is not even close. And our endorsement is not meant as any negative for the always marvelous Louie’s Backyard or Latitudes at Sunset Key....Read more here.
In America, parents are furiously attempting to prevent their kids from eating Tide Pods, an inexplicable “challenge” fad that has sent participants to the hospital. In the last two years, the number of Swiss youths participating in shooting courses has increased by over 40%...Read more here.

A Russian hacking group known as Fancy Bear, thought to be associated with the Russian military intelligence agency GRU, has gained access to key defense contractors’ emails reports the Associated Press. It is uncertain exactly what was stolen during the breach, but the hackers have clearly exploited a national vulnerability in cyber security. Employees in companies ranging from small defense contractors to defense giants like Lockheed, Raytheon, Boeing, Airbus, and General Atomics were among those targeted....Read more here.

You’ve got to hand it to Donald Trump: he can wind people up like just about no one else. Last week, the Washington Post reported that Trump had asked the Pentagon to begin plans for a military parade down Pennsylvania Avenue to imitate the French military parade that celebrates Bastille Day each year. Liberals–and others–howled with outrage at the prospect....Read more here.
Pat Buchanan lambastes the liberal media today over the ridiculous claims that Russian cyber-mischief is equal to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in seriousness. Buchanan writes at The American Conservative that all Robert Mueller’s indictments of more than a dozen Russian internet “trolls” does, is prove that after 18 months the FBI doesn’t have any proof of collusion....Read more here.
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