AConcordCarpenter - Labor Day Week

Published: Mon, 09/03/12

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September 3, 2012
Newsletter Issue #55

Robert Robillard

Robert Robillard

Fine carpentry & renovation professional based in Concord, Massachussetts

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What's New At ACC?

Decorating With Flowers

How To Clean A Stone Patio
Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

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What's new at Concord Carpenter?

Summers officially over.  School, sports and cooler temperatures will be here before we know it.
I hope everyone is having a relaxing time on this Labor Day.  Labor Day has become celebrated by most of us as the end of summer.  In high society, Labor Day is or was considered  the last day of the year to wear white and seersucker.  
So this is a freiendly message to all of my contractor friends out there - it's time to put away your seersucker tool belts and get ready for fall.
Well sun just came out and as soon as I finish this newsletter I will be parked out at the pool with a few friends and a cold brew!
flat roof deck
If you get a chance check out the flat roof top deck were building this week.  I have posted a ton of photos on my ACC Facebook page.  these photos will accompany an article in Extreme How-To magazine next month.

 Decorating with Flowers

Attention to detail is very important in interior design, and at the end of the day it is often what makes a house into a home.  
Using flowers and plants from your backyard flower garden is a simple, cost effective and effective way to add color, character and elegance to a room.

Read More - to learn how we did this last night

How To Clean Your Masonry Patio

Cleaning a masonry patio does not need to be hard work - I mean you do need to exert a little elbow grease but if you use the correct product and follow  a few correct steps you can have a beautiful looking, clean patio.

READ MORE to learn how easythis can be!


Is Your House Ready For The Fall Season? 

As a carpenter I am often called to peoples homes to repair, replace or troubleshoot house problems. Most if not all issues that I deal with are a result of not taking the time to perform periodic maintenance.

The fall season, is a good time to give your house a good inspection and get it ready for winter. Before the weather grows colder it's important to prepare and prevent costly damage later on.

For a complete Fall preventative home maintenance checklist that every homeowner can adapt and use, READ MORE









hidden water fountain

Build your own hidden fountain - READ MORE


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