AConcordCarpenter ~ Cyber Monday - See what the "Other guys" are doing!

Published: Mon, 11/26/12

November 26, 2012
Newsletter Issue # 70

Robert Robillard

Robert Robillard

Fine carpentry & renovation professional based in Concord, Massachussetts

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What's New?
Holiday Gift Guide
Cyber Monday Tool Deals
 Tool Reviews

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What's new at Concord Carpenter?

I am gratefull for all of your continued support with my newsletter and ACC website.  My newsletter readers are important to me and I'm very grateful that you chosen to subscribe to my newsletter.
Next week I will start moderating the discussion board.  This discussion board is brand new and is intended to be a construction industry information source for professionals. 
It provides access to how-to, best practices and best new materials details from experts in a variety of disciplines.
I'll have more information on this for you folks later this week.  Hopefully you'll visit the discussion board post a construction related question, post a comment or just browse to threads!


Holiday Gift Guide

Each year I create a Holiday Gift Guide full of great tools and accessories. 
This guift guide will help expose you to several different professional grade tools that would make a great gift for the Holidays.
It is also one way I raise money to support my website. Each of the products featured in my gift guide includes a link to buy the product. If you buy the product after clicking that link I'll get a small commission which is greatly appreciated.

Cyber Monday Tool Guides

My Holiday Tool Shopping Guide was designed with only excellent products - NO JUNK tools!  But don't just take my word you need to see what the other tool publication websites are offering.
In the world of online tool publications there are only a few sites that are worth paying attention too. Oh yeah and they have holiday shopping guides too ~ check them out below:

This WeeksTool Giveaway

See which durable, professional grade tool we are giving away this week.  Heres a hint:  It's cordless, weighs 3.5 pounds, is 5- 3/4" long and is my second favorite color.
Give up?   See tool giveaway here 

Recent Tool Reviews

Want to see your tool reviewed?  Email me at [email protected]

Dewalt HEPA Filter Dust Extractor Vacuum
The DWV012 Dust Extractor Vacuum was designed specifically to capture  the worst types of dust:  drywall sanding, concrete grinding, cutting and drilling dust.

As a contractor, not only does it make compltete business sense from a dust clean up or property damage position but also for health reasons.   By decreasing the potential for inhaling dangerous dust particles, you can protect your lungs.

Panasonic Dual Voltage Cordless Tools
Panasonic recently expanded their line of  Tough IPTM Li-Ion Cordless Power Tools. The Tough Panasonic Dual Voltage Cordless Tools IP line now features products with new Dual Voltage Technology.
What is Dual Voltage?   Is there Value in this?

 Feeney Inc

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