A Concord Carpenter Newsletter #91

Published: Wed, 06/26/13

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June 26, 2013 Newsletter Issue #91  

Robert Robillard

Robert Robillard

Fine carpentry & renovation professional based in Concord, Massachusetts

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What's new at ACC?
How It ALL started
Bathroom Project Update
Tool and Product News

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What's new at Concord Carpenter?


Hi guys,

 It's been an interesting week so far as well as HOT!  It has been in 90 degrees or hotter for three days now and I believe that qualifies as an official heat wave.  I miss seeing my breath!
  Carpentry projects are booming and were busy as are tool review opportunities.  The photo above was me having a bit of fun during a tool belt review.
We're seeing a ton of bathroom remodeling projects, and decks.  While you'd think that synthetic decking would be the most popular we are still finding that folks want to see Mahogany or Ipe for their decking of choice.
I'm still shocked at how many folks out there continue to operate on the old 3 bid rule as opposed to identifying a trustworthy, and competent contractor and working with them to devise a budget and project plan.  

Research has shown that most people do not purchase merchandise or services based on price.   Most people purchase based on their perception of value.

Then why are folks searching the web and getting as many contractors bid their project without identifying if they're a quality contractor or not.  In my opinion many folks have it backwards.

Do the research and identify a trustworthy, reliable and competent contractor.  Who is not interested in trying to give your customers the best price but instead gives them the best value for the price!


Bathroom Project:

The Basco shower doors arrived today and one of the panels was damaged by FedEx.  the good news is that BASCO is on it and we will only loose a few days on the install date. 
This is a perfect example of what I was mentioning in my How To Plan A Bathroom Remodel article
Plan for things to go wrong and work in some "fudge time" to allow for it!
Sometimes  even with the best plan circumstances out of you're control will dictate the schedule!

Concord Carpenter's Good Business Rules:

When running a small business or any business for that matter there are a few rules that are always good to follow.  Rules or procedures ensure that the work and service is efficient and consistently delivered.

Here is a few that I use:

1. Be Honest:

Honesty is huge in business and life in general. If feel you will not make a deadline or find yourself in a situation over- your- head,  discuss it with your client. Avoid under delivering or tactics like sweeping things under the rug.

2. Over-Deliver:

Your reputation and quality of work you provide define you and is what keeps customers returning.  It is also the major reason why customers recommend you to others.  Always over deliver whether it is expected or not. It is a simple plan.. say what your going to do, do it, and make sure rock it!

3. Customer Service:

Communication is huge here.  Thank your client for the opportunity to work for them and continually provide project updates.  Smile, perform your work and make your decisions with the best interest of your client in mind.

Make the clients experience with you a happy and memorable one.   A happy client will be more likely to recommend your services than one who has for gotten about their experience or is trying to forget about their negative experience.

4. Strive To Improve:

Whether your an artist or a craftsman there is always room to improve. Take the time and energy to read, research and learn new and improved techniques, materials and methods. attend continuing education classes and seminars.

Becoming better will only make you and the service you provide that much more sought after.


DEWALT 8 Volt Gyroscopic Screwdriver DCF680

DEWALT new 8 volt screwdriver includes gyroscopic technology that senses hand motion.  How cool is that?

To operate, the user has to activate the Gyroscopic sensors by manually pressing an activation trigger switch.   Once activated Gyroscopic sensors inside of the tool sense the users wrist motions right to tighten screws, left to loosen screws.
Check out the video on this tool!

Bosch GTA 3800 Miter Saw Stand

Chances are that at some point in your career or DIY experience you have had to set up a temporary work station which involved using saw horses and a plank or plywood to rest your miter saw to get your work done.  
There are many,many miter saw stands on the market today, some good and some not so good.
Here is what we thought about Bosch's GTA 3800.


For a complete preventative home maintenance checklist that every homeowner can adapt and useREAD MORE


hidden water fountain

Build your own hidden fountain - READ MORE


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