A Concord Carpenter Newsletter #100 Engaging Our Youth into the trades and Milwaukee Tool Giveaway

Published: Wed, 09/04/13


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September 3, 2013 Newsletter Issue #100 

Rob head shot
Robert Robillard
 Carpenter and Editor
"A full service renovation company sharing its knowledge and experience to share information and  educate on remodeling best practices."


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What's new at ACC?

Business tips
Photo Of Week
National Tradesman Day
Milwaukee Recip Saw Giveaway
A Good Story!

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What's new at Concord Carpenter

I'm also celebrating my 20th year in business as a residential re-modeler.  To celebrate with you I am offering you a FREE LENOX T2 reciprocating blade and a Speed Slot hole saw.  
We are also giving away the new Milwaukee M18 FUEL Sawzall - this saw is not even on the shelves yet!!!
WOW we've reached 100 newsletter issues!
100 newsletters . . . boy does time fly, it was five years ago when I started out with a free "Google Blogger" account, which I was using to post a few remodeling pictures to prospective customers. [Read that story here]
Shortly after, the blog "A Concord Carpenter Comments" turned into what is today known as "A Concord Carpenter,"  a recognized tool and how-to web publication.
The team [All Pro contractors] at ACC uses our PRO knowledge and experience to help folks solve problems and to educate on best practices in the remodeling industry.
Becoming a web publication with a newsletter boasting thousands of subscribers was not easy and my team at ACC works on it every day.  The key to ACC's success is today's tip below.

Today's Tip

Here at Concord Carpenter we believe the key to business longevity and our success is balanced on being consistent and providing you with honest, quality content.
1.  Consistency
Doing something once is just by chance, creating "good business habits" brings success to reality. 
Consistency is an element no easy to maintain.  Being consistent in everything we do helps turn a "once in a while" into an "everyday" effort.  It takes time to turn an act into a habit.

The importance of consistency in business seems so basic as to not need discussion. Yet many companies, especially smaller ones, operate on a day-by-day, disorganized, undisciplined and inefficient manner.

The frenetic, never-enough "time, money, people" reality of small business can make us feel like we're running on a hamster wheel.

2.  Quality
Quality is one of those golden elements that every business would like stamped upon it. 
In my opinion when you consistently bring quality to the table you get repeat business.  Trying to develop repeat business can be a challenge but is not impossible.   A business with a track record of consistency and quality has a high percentage of customers who re-order and a higher percentage of referral customers.
Happy, contented customers tend to tell their friends and families about businesses they've had success with or products they like.
Be consistent with what works and offer the highest quality possible in goods and services and you'll stand a good chance of business success.
Stay well ~


Concord Carpenter's Weekly Photo

Here at ACC we've been seeing alot of these spiders.  It's called a black-and-yellow argiope spider. (Argiope aurantia)
Even for spiders this lady is quite attractive and one of our more conspicuous species of orb weaving spiders. Orb web means it spins a web like a circle. The species name "aurantia" comes from medieval Latin "aurantium" meaning "orange (the fruit)".
Other commonly used names for this spider are golden orb-weaver, yellow garden orb-weaver and the writing spider.
In case you were wondering all members of the Argiope spider family are considered harmless to humans.


September 20th is National Tradesman Day

Right now the construction industry is the facing a shortage of skilled laborers. High-schools have nearly eliminated trades education from their curriculum and only 6% of high school students consider a career in the trades

The expectation that EVERYONE in each subsequent future generation should go to college is just silly.   Equally as silly is the idea that all laborers or blue collar workers are not intelligent or successful. Really?  READ THIS!
What are your thoughts?   Please comment here


Milwaukee M18 Sawzall Giveaway

Milwaukee is giving away one of their amazing M18 FUEL Sawzalls to one of my newsletter subscribers. 
Enter at the link below before October 1st:



Concord Carpenter On YouTube

Be sure to check out our other videos at our concord Carpenter YouTube Page


A GOOD Story!

Story of the Two Wolves:

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said:

"My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. One wolf is evil, filled with anger, envy, greed, guilt, jealousy, lies, and pride. The other wolf is good, filled with peace, love, humility, kindness, joy, generosity and compassion."

The boy thought about the story and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee answered, simply, "The one you feed."

From my friend -ConcordPastor




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