A Concord Carpenter Newsletter #109 Value of Volunteerism

Published: Tue, 11/26/13


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November 26, 2013
Newsletter Issue #109 

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Robert Robillard
 Carpenter and Editor
"A full service renovation company sharing its knowledge and experience to share information and  educate on remodeling best practices."


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What's New at ACC?

The New Guy

Leadership in Construction
Marketing Stuff - Colors?
Custom Bookcases
New Articles, How-Tos and tool Reviews

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What's new at Concord Carpenter

Hey Guys,
I'm sitting home on gorgeous Saturday afternoon with a wicked head cold.  Yes I used the word wicked, that's a common term in Boston!   I was supposed to be finishing off a clients attic but I know the insulation would have killed me.  First sick day in many, many years.  I must be getting old.
The past few weeks have been a whirlwind at Concord Carpenter from tool reviews, to writing content articles as well as trying to finish up some of our open remodeling projects before the ground freezes.
Last weekend Ethan and Phil got as chance to test out three kick ass track saws [Makita, Dewalt and Festool]  - stay tuned for the results!
The telescope dome arrived in a NYC seaport last week and is on its way to our job site via truck.  We will post install pictures and an article for you soon.

Meet Alex!

Alex is the newest addition to the Concord Carpenter team.   He is a self-taught carpenter with 13 years in the trades. He spent the last ten years in NJ with a Architectural Design / Build firm where he learned quickly and his skills were recognized- he grew in his role from laborer, to assistant carpenter and then to lead carpenter

Alex has excellent carpentry skills, strong leadership skills, and has demonstrated himself as an excellent problem solver. We like that!!

Alex gets great satisfaction from using his hands and tools to complete his projects with professionalism, quality and craftsmanship and subscribes to the Concord Carpenter motto: "Quality Means ... Doing things right when no one is looking!"

Alex is also a Lieutenant and volunteer firefighter for the Woodbridge Fire Department.

Please join me in welcoming Alex to our ACC team!

Volunteerism - Snow Melt Project

Twenty years ago I met an amazing guy who is a father or two, lives in the area, and is a paraplegic confined to a wheelchair. 
He lost his ability to walk over 25+ years ago in a skiing accident.  His disability never slows him down, he is active, enjoys life with his children and is most certainly not the type of person who looks for pity.
Recently he contacted me through Concord Carpenter web page regarding a snow melting system that I installed and wrote about on the site.  
He explained to me that several times over the past winter he was house bound, unable to leave due to slippery conditions.
After some conversations back and forth about this product he told me that it was perfect for his needs but the cost was prohibitive for him.
After reflecting about my friends situation I decided to contact several of the people I needed to help this man install this snow melt system.
We hope to install this system next week.  More to come!
Julia Billens, CEO WarmlyYours, Inc
My first call was to Julia Billen, CEO at WarmlyYours, supplier of the snow melt system.  I got about half way trough my pitch to Julia before she stopped me and said "Rob, were in, what do you need?"   
I got the same response from the stone supplier, my mason, electrician and the guys on the Concord Carpenter crew.  All of these people are hard working and have busy schedules but all stepped up without question, it's truly amazing to me - gives me goosebumps!!!!
To date we have almost everything we need to do this project free of charge for this man and I'm so very proud of all the people who came together to help me do this for him.

Value Of Volunteering

It's a pretty common mistake to think of volunteering as just something nice that people can do. Sure, it may make them feel great about helping, but what impact does it really have?
"Not everything that counts can be counted. And not everything that can be counted, counts." - Albert Einstein
Most people would say volunteering is about giving, contributing, and helping other individuals and the community at large. It is working with others to make a meaningful contribution to a better community.

People volunteer for an endless variety of reasons. Many people want to gain experience, acquire new skills, meet new people, or expand their network of contacts as a way to get a new job or start a career. Others just want to give back to their community, to help a friend or promote a worthwhile activity. They do it because it makes them feel good. 

To me this is the intrinsic value of volunteering.

The Small Construction Company Leader

The small business leader, to be successful, has to keep his or her eyes on a lot of things at one time.  This article is focused on providing you with some tips and solid techniques to help you juggle all of those balls you have in the air.

Pay Attention To Your Public Presence:

You never get a second chance to make a first impression.  There are several public perception things that you should be constantly focused on and monitoring, they are:

  1. Your website
  2. Recruiting talented workers
  3. Turnover
  4. Client relations
  5. Validation
  6. Adopt humility

Custom Raised Panel Bookcase

Adding custom bookcases to a room can be part of the original room construction finish carpentry plan or done later as a remodel or add on.  Not only do custom bookcases look great and add a focal point to a room they can also optimize your space.

When designing your custom bookcases you want to be sure that your project will meet both your functional needs as well as your stylistic requirements . . .  READ MORE

Tongue And Dado Joint For Built-in Cabinets And Bookcases

When building built in cabinets and bookcases I was taught to use a tongue and dado joint for the frames.

A tongue and dado joint is a strong, sturdy  and simple joint to make on a table saw with a dado blade.  READ MORE


The Colors Red and Blue . . .

 How You Can Use It On Your Website and Marketing!

Research shows that the color red makes us more cautious and attentive to details, while blue makes us more creative and receptive to new ideas.

Scientists at the University of British Columbia studied more than 600 people as they performed various tasks, usually on a computer. Sometimes the screen's background color was red, sometimes it was blue.

The experiments showed that with the red background, people did as much as 31 percent better at tasks like proofreading or solving anagrams, which require attention to detail. But for creative tasks, like designing a child's toy, a blue background improved performance.

"We associate red with danger and mistakes," says Ravi Mehta, the lead author of the study, which was published online by the journal Science. "So what happens is this leads to avoidance motivation. People try to avoid mistakes and danger. That makes them focus on details."

Blue, on the other hand, encourages an "approach motivation," Mehta says. People relax, becoming more open to new ideas and creative solutions to problems.

Mehta says the new study has implications for marketers.

In one test, people responded to advertising copy for two fictional brands of toothpaste. The first brand was promoted as a way to avoid risk by preventing cavities. The second emphasized the promise of whiter teeth.

People taking the test read the advertising copy against a background that was either red, blue or white.

With red, Mehta says, "significantly more people choose the brand which was good on cavity prevention." With blue, he says, they preferred teeth whitening. And on a white background, neither product had an advantage.

The study explains why previous research has produced conflicting results about how red and blue affect thinking, Mehta says. Either color can provide an advantage, he says, but only if it's matched to the right kind of task.


DEWALT Job site Radio Giveaway

Winner of the DEWALT Job-site Radio is Donald Hayes.  Don is a Concord Carpenter newsletter subscriber and Twitter follower.  Congratulations Donald - rock on!!


Pet Door Step Project:

I decided to install a dog door in my home for my two dogs.   The idea was purely selfish as my family and I were getting tired of getting up from the couch to let the dogs in and out.  Its rough enough with one dog but obviously doubles with two.


Tank-less, On Demand Hot Water Heaters

  • Tired of running out of hot water?
  • Is it time to replace you old water heater and you want to save money?
  • Wish your house was "greener" and wasted fewer resources?
  • Do you hate having to heat hot water while you're not home?

On-Demand Saves Energy

A tank-less  "on demand" hot water heater can be a great solution to your residential hot water needs.



Makita Showcases New 18V Cordless Tools at STAFDA Trade Show

This was the first year Concord Carpenter attended STAFDA.  Typically the show does not have a reputation for big surprises but this year we were pleasantly surprised to see  a some new advances in new tools and battery technology from Makita.

Makita really surprised us with this completely newly designed circular saw.  The 18 volt LXT circular saw, model XSH01 utilizes two 18 volt, 3.0 Ah batteries to obtain the equivalent of 36 volts.


DEWALT 10" Job Site Table Saw

DEWALT recently redesigned their job site table saws to incorporate more safety features, tool free adjustments and better on-board accessory storage.

Safety First: A Four Prong Approach:

I am a proponent of safety and feel that DEWALT put some serious thought and innovation regarding safety into their new table saws.  There are four major components that I think DEWALT did well to address affordable job-site table-saw safety.   
READ MORE and watch the video.

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