A Concord Carpenter Newsletter #110 Inside: ACC Holiday Gift Guide

Published: Tue, 12/03/13


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December 3, 2013
Newsletter Issue #110 

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Robert Robillard
 Carpenter and Editor
"A full service renovation company sharing its knowledge and experience to share information and  educate on remodeling best practices."


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What's new at Concord Carpenter

Hey Guys,
I spent this frigid weekend cleaning my shop and filming a few videos. It all started with me trying to reposition a single router on a shelf and before I knew it I had my entire shop torn apart. Before I knew it hours had passed, my day was over and I forgot why I originally was moving the router.  Sound like A.D.D to you or O.C.D?
Speaking of time passing in the shop . . . How many times have you wished you had more time in the day to get things done?  I sure know I do.
Managing one's time can be a difficult task for some and easy for others. For me time management and staying on task at times can be difficult.  Being productive and still having time to do things we enjoy can happen if we work at it.  I used these time management tips often to keep me on track.
You may remember a few weeks back we installed a pet door.  Well this weekend we checked how efficient it was with a 10 degree outdoor temperature.  Watch the 2 minute video here - pretty cool results.  I was surprised with our finding.
As the temperatures drop here in the Northeast the ponds start to ice over.  If you live near pond or lake ice read our Ice Safety Guide to learn how to determine if the ice is thick enough to skate, fish, snow mobile or drive your truck on! 

Holiday Tool Gift Buying Guide

Every year at A Concord Carpenter we try to put together a list of tools we think most guys would appreciate.  
We call it out 2013 Holiday Tool Gift Guide and sure as hell think these gifts are better than giving a goofy holiday sweater for your FAV contractor or DIY-er.
Check it out . . . and happy holidays!


Recent Articles on Concord Carpenter


Milwaukee Fastback Serrated Spring Assisted Knife

The Milwaukee Fastback Spring Assisted Serrated Knife features a 1-handed assisted open, a black oxide-coated stainless steel semi serrated blade and is selling at approximately $25.00 like hotcakes.
Being a self admitted knife snob I'm not easily swayed by any knife that sells for under $75.00 and that's because they're usually, cheap, knock off pieces or crap.
I needed to see what all the hype was about.  Did we like it?


Residential Fire Sprinkler System

Millions of American homes have smoke alarms, but a smoke alarm can only alert the occupants to a fire in the house ... it cannot contain or extinguish a fire.
According to some researchers, kids, ages 6-12 yrs, are likely to sleep through the smoke alarm when in a deep sleep.
According to the National Fire Safety Association when sprinklers are present, the chances of dying in a fire are reduced by one-half to three-fourths and the average property loss per fire is cut by one-half to two-thirds, compared to fires where sprinklers are not present. 
READ how installing a single sprinkler head above your furnace can save your life.

Building A Wine Cellar

Who doesn't want a wine cellar?  Lot's of people store wine but only wish they could have a wine cellar.  Well I'm here to tell you it's easy to do if you approach it methodically.
Building a wine cellar is a fun and challenging project, read more

Creating Employees That Are More Engaged

Creating employee engagement should be a leaders priority and on of his of her main responsibilities.   As a leader or manager you need to take positive measures toward creating a climate that is ripe for employee engagement.  But how?
Here's our approach.

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Be sure to check out our other videos at our Concord Carpenter YouTube Page



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