Concord Carpenter Crew SAVES Baby Seal! #130

Published: Tue, 05/06/14


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May 6, 2014
Newsletter Issue #130 

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Robert Robillard
 Carpenter and Editor
"A full service renovation company sharing its knowledge and experience to share information and  educate on remodeling best practices."


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Spring Cleaning Tips

Reinforcing Old Floor Joists

Deck Building and Workshop Tips

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What's New at Concord Carpenter?

Our carpenter Billy Burns was kayaking on Cape Cod this weekend and saw this baby seal stranded on the beach.   It appeared that the seal was a newborn,umbilical cord and placenta still attached, and the mother had abandoned it for some reason.
Either its mother believed the baby was weaned or she was unable to return to feed it," Billy said. "It hadn't left the beach at all to feed, and that concerned us."
Billy notified the Cape Cod Stranding Network, which monitored the seal and eventually placed it in a cage and took it to Providence, where it was handed over to a rehabilitation rescue team from Mystic (Conn.) Aquarium.   Once stable it might be returned to Dennis for release, but that decision won't be made until the seal is stable and able to feed on its own.


I love spring.  I continually catch myself studying the same tree every day as it starts to sprout buds and eventually grows fully developed leaves.  I've even though about using a time release camera.... next time maybe.
At the spring equinox, days  are close to 12 hours long with day length increasing as the season progresses. Spring and "springtime" refer to the season, and also to ideas of rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection and regrowth.   Spring energizes me, I wish it lasted longer!
Here's a home repair checklist for you to consider this spring.
With Spring comes spring cleaning inside the house and also in the yard.  In addition to reminding you to do some life saving maintenance things  like; cleaning your dryer vent, and changing smoke detector batteries, here's a few spring cleaning tips:

Clean Your Coffee Maker

I'm a coffee drinker, and after some time, my coffee maker develops stains.  A quick and painless way to get your coffee maker sparkling again is to run a cycle of white vinegar through it.  I own a Bunn coffee maker that makes brews quickly so I usually run the equivalent to 2-4 cups vinegar through twice.
Vinegar breaks up mineral build up and deodorizes the inside of the machine.   Rinse out the vinegar by running plain water through the machine a couple or times. 
Brew away!

Disposal Smells?

Does your sink disposal smell?   A simple way to clean your disposal is to run ice through it with water.   To deodorize and remove smells add some lemon wedges while running the disposal.   Works like a dream!

Deodorize Your Washing Machine

Ever get a musty smell from your washing machine?   For you super handy folks, some units have a screen drain trap that can be accessed and cleaned out.   Doing this requires tools and a little knowledge on how to dismantle your machine.
A simpler approach is add white vinegar to a load of wash.   A cup or two will do the trick and your machine will be deodorized.   The clothes will welcome it too as it acts as a natural fabric softener.
Threaded anchor bolt is off-center, wrong location!

Deck Building Tip - Fixing Mistakes

Even the best carpenters I know sometimes pour a footing that is off or place the threaded J-bolt [anchor bolt] in the wrong location. 
This article will show you how to repair concrete deck anchor bolt when placed in the wrong location.

Choosing Decking

A deck should complement its environment, your landscape, and enhance your outdoor living space. Your deck, therefore, should ideally compliment you and your lifestyle. Whatever your reason for building a deck - for entertaining, relaxing or outdoor living you will need to consider materials for your decking.

Two options that are available locally READ MORE

 Work Shop Tip

I'm a neat freak and hate when my shop is a mess.  Part of being neat is being organized.

You can never have enough clamps so recently I decided that I needed a better way to store my pipe clamps


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