Concord Carpenter #140 Build America Week 4 - Carpenter's tip

Published: Tue, 07/22/14


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July 22, 2014
Newsletter Issue #141

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Robert Robillard
 Carpenter and Editor
"A full service renovation company sharing its knowledge and experience to share information and  educate on remodeling best practices."


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Last Weeks Tip
 Build America,
Carpenter's tip.

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Concord Carpenter Workshop News

Hi Guys,
It was nice to spend 4 days on Cape Cod.  This week I got back to work!   We are working on an old house, circa 1840, this week and uncovering lots of hidden treasures.  In the garage we found the old porch posts as rafters and under the porch decking we found decorative rake ends [rafters] as deck joists.   Fun, fun!
Stay tuned to Facebook and next weeks newsletter for an exciting giveaway from Milwaukee.
Build America has completed week 4 and our update is below.   They spent the week at Camp Fairlee Manor in Chestertown, Maryland and they also fit in a trip to our nations capital. 
It has been fun looking at all of their Facebook pictures and seeing all of the progress they have made.   I would love to be side by side with them but I have an in-coming freshman going to Elon University this year - so I guess that option is out!
Their next stop is in New Castle, Virginia, the home of our next camp: Camp Easter Seals/UCP

Fixing Lasts Weeks Goof! -  Sorry!


In last weeks newsletter I mentioned a carpentry tip of using  insulation feeler rods as a gauge to probe walls and locate light fixtures or openings prior to cutting into the wall.  
Unfortunately I forgot to add the link to the tip so here it is:  Locating light fixtures



Build America Update

Hey everyone! ACC-Build America Correspondent Nick Julian reporting to you from our newest camp this week, Camp Easter Seals/UCP in New Castle, Virginia! Today we began work on our various projects, but before I give you a peek into what we have been doing today, here is a recap on the fourth week of the Build America Trip!

We began our fourth week at Camp Fairlee Manor in Chestertown, Maryland. Camp Fairlee Manor was our first camp that was being revisited by a Push America Team and the second camp run by the organization Easter Seals.  Easter Seals is a national organization that has been helping people with disabilities for nearly a century.  While they offer a variety of services for people who are differently abled, they are perhaps most recognized for their summer camps serving people with disabilities.
The first day began with a quick tour of the facilities and unpacking into the cabins that they were looking to demolish in a months time to make room for a new air conditioned cabin. The cabin was in decent condition for our stay,...minus working showers. However, we had no need to fear as there were some awesome spacious showers in the shower house on the campus grounds!
Our projects this week were: clearing a nature trail and building a cabin to be used for at-risk youth living in Maryland's inner cities. The cabin is part of a camp experience that Ms. Sally Price, the camp director, and Camp Fairlee Manor are hoping to incorporate into their programming, in the coming years, to allow inner city kids the chance to explore nature and escape from their urban jungle.
After the tour of the rather large campus, and after viewing the work sites, we had dinner with the campers and counselors. We were quickly encouraged to participate in the camp songs and the daily rituals of the camp experience. The counselors enthusiasm for their work was infectious and gave us the energy to participate even after a long day of work.

Despite just having two projects this week, the work was intense, long, and thanks to the humidity, uncomfortable. Those however seem to be the best conditions for our work anyway. I was on the trail team helping to clear the overgrown shrubbery and plants. It was hard labor, but was incredibly gratifying to see the progress as one was working. Additionally, since we had cleared the first trail so quickly, in the following days, we made two more trails for the Camp.

The cabin team had a great deal of layout to complete on the first day, but after hashing out a plan, they were quick at work in the succeeding days setting posts, making a rim joist and using joist hangers for the joists that would support the floor of the cabin. Thanks to Stanley, DeWALT, and Milwaukee Tools, this project went by with relative ease, despite an early miscommunication in the construction of one of the walls. A special thanks to the Concord Carpenter team for helping us with one of the keys to this event, becoming an exemplary problem solvers.

We all loved Camp Fairlee and we even use some of their camp songs to this day, because they were so catchy!

After leaving the incredible people at Camp Fairlee Manor, we headed into our nation€(TM)s capital, Washington, DC! There we made all of the best touristy spots: the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Memorial, World War 2 Memorial, and even made a stop at the White House. There were a couple of highlights, however. Thanks to the staff in the Office of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, the Build America team was able to visit the Chamber of the House of Representatives and get a full tour of the Capitol Building.
The second highlight was going to a Washington Nationals game with some Pi Kappa Phi Brothers who were Pi Alpha members (Brothers who completed a summer Push America event) and who held a leadership position in the fraternity. The Nats were playing the Milwaukee Brewers and we wanted to wear our cool Milwaukee tool shirts, but that night, we were all Nats fans.

Despite this minor setback, we still love our tool sponsors and everyone on the team has been Tweeting and Facebooking them as soon as we can manage, so please check out their social media pages and follow them on Twitter and Facebook!

This past weekend was also a great time because we met a Build America team member from the inaugural event, Mike Utrell. Thanks to his support, we slept at Abiding Presence Lutheran Church in Burke, VA in air-conditioned rooms (this is incredibly important for us), gave us amazing home-cooked food, and we were even able to attend a church service in appreciation of the incredible hospitality of all of the congregation. Hearing Mikes experience on the trip, how it gave him his wife, and how to this day he still keeps in contact with one of his fellow BAMers gives us hope that the friendships and experience we make today will last for a long time.
We also attended a triathlon event with a mile hike, six-mile bike ride and then a canoe ride. This event was held in cooperation with World Team Sports and was held for kids who are differently abled. The whole Build America team had a blast riding tandem bikes and canoeing but of course the most rewarding part, was helping the participants and watching them gain confidence on the race course.
So that is all for now. All is well in Camp Easter Seals/UCP despite the lack of phone service, but the campus is beautifully framed by the local mountain ranges. I will talk to you next week when we will be heading to Charlotte, North Carolina!
If you are interested in helping me or the Build America team, you can make a tax-deductible donation on my fundraising page at or you can learn more about Push America and our Build America team by visiting

Carpenter's Tip

A client recently asked me for advice on how bid a cut out to make on a partition wall between their kitchen and living room.  
When deciding on dimensions like this one it helps to visualize.  We used painters tape on the wall [photo above] to help the client come to the most appealing size of her cut out.





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