Are You Ready for a Revolution?

Published: Thu, 12/01/11

For Immediate Release
Are You Ready for a Revolution?

Debbie Lewis, [email protected]

Columbia, MO - Exploding from every political direction, people are enraged about the dirty deals happening in Washington DC.  Presidential elections are right around the corner and people are looking for real answers.  The newest release from William Lewis Films might have just what they're looking for.  The Ron Paul Uprising takes a look at the current administration, the media's role in our politics and, yes, a look at Ron Paul.

The film explores the mainstream media's downplay of Ron Paul's message and his supporters, neither of which will be silenced.  Evidence of that comes in the form of the CBS/National Journal Debate a few weekends ago and the subsequent poll.  Ron Paul got barely a minute and a half during that debate to discuss his's that for mainstream control!  Even with the media control of Paul's coverage, he does quite well in online follow-up polls.  Just recently in the news of the latest New Hampshire and Iowa polls, the media has had to admit, his following is tremendous.

With the upcoming election, we have the opportunity to achieve changes we can embrace.  The 2012 Presidential Campaign cycle is in full swing as the Republican hopefuls are busy garnering support for what they believe are their answers to save our country.  People are looking for a policy/thought revolution, a peaceful revolution...a new American Revolution!

"Freedom is a young idea. It's only been tested for a couple hundred years."  Ron Paul

Are any of these contenders offering new ideas to help us pull off that kind of action?  The old ones are clearly not working and We-the-People know it.  Fed up with status quo political rhetoric, only Ron Paul offers what we need.  Only Ron Paul is offering bold, different ideas to change the shape of our nation.  Yet, because of media bias, how many people have a clue about his positions?

The new documentary from William Lewis Films, The Ron Paul Uprising, enlightens the viewer about a vast array of information:

- Presidential Character - what should we look for?
- Why is Ron Paul running for office?
- What do some of the other hopefuls bring to the table?
- Is Vote Fraud a real issue?
- And so much more.

Is our nation ready for a truly peaceful revolution?  Will people actually listen and follow sound concepts, or will they follow the media driven hype and let the media choose our next candidate?

The Ron Paul Uprising is an eye-opening contrast between the status quo political ideas and the brave and daring ideas of the only truly promising candidate in the 2012 election.  The Ron Paul Uprising is a fact based look at a hero in our times.  It is more than another political documentary, it's a portrait of a man who has been consistent his entire political career...

Need help spreading the word?  This film is the tool to do just that!

For more information, please visit 
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