June 2017

Published: Sat, 06/03/17

Tantra Sacred Loving  |  June 2017

Happy June,  

Hello Beloved Tantra Sacred Loving Family. June is the month we celebrate Fathers. Let's take a moment to celebrate, honor and salute the fathers, the men who are a part of a child's life, and all the men in our lives -- the Shiva. 

"In Hinduism, Shiva the Cosmic Dancer, is perhaps the most perfect personification of the dynamic universe. Through his dance, Shiva sustains the manifold phenomena in the world, unifying all things by immersing them in his rhythm and making them participate in the dance - a magnificent image of the dynamic unity of the Universe."

~ Fritjof Capra

I invite you to read the following articles: 

When A Man Becomes A Father 
by Dr. Sari Eitches and Dr. Bren Boston
Rewriting The Definition of Strength For Men  by Kevin Kunzel. 

Here are a list of upcoming classes, workshops and events. Please check the calendar for upcoming and register today to reserve you spot! 

The Ins and Outs of Female Arousal -- June 14th
The Ins and Outs of Female Arousal: A Hands On Workshop -- June 17th
June New Moon Fire and birthday celebration -- June 23rd
Ups and Downs of Male Arousal: Becoming a Multi-Orgasmic Man --July 12th

Explore Your Pelvic Floor: Yoni Egg and Womb Wisdom DENVER, CO--July 15th
Explore Your Pelvic Floor: Yoni Egg and Womb Wisdom AUSTIN, TX July18th
The Ins and Outs of Female Arousal: A Hands-On Workshop Austin, TX--July 22nd 
July New Moon Fire-- July 23rd

Breath of the month: From Yogic Way of Life
Kapalbhati Pranayama – The Skull Shining Breathing Excercise
How to do Kapalbhati Pranayama

  1. Kapalbhati has to be practiced on an empty stomach. Early morning is the best time for the practice. In the evening also one can practice, if there is a gap of about 4 hours after the last meal.
  2. To do Kapalbhati, sit in a steady posture. Padmasana, Siddhasana or Vajrasana are the most suited.
  3. Place the hands on the knees and breathe normally.
  4. Relax the whole body and make sure the spine is straight.
  5. Now, breathe in and out rapidly, with exhalation being forceful. The inhalation should be passive and normal. During exhalation the belly goes inside towards the thorax, forcing out the air from the lungs. Inhalation is done with relaxation to fill the lungs again with fresh air.
  6. Initially one can start with 11 rounds. Later increase it to 60 rounds in one minute. Each inhalation and exhalation should take just one second. Subsequently, with enough practice, you can increase the speed to 120 rounds per minute. Here, each inhalation and exhalation takes only half a second. Increasing the speed of Kapalbhati beyond this may not be useful as the breathing will become very shallow.
  7. After the number of rounds, relax and breathe normally, till the breathing rate comes back to normal. The relaxation period can be roughly between 30 seconds to a minute.
  8. Repeat this process about 3 times in the initial stages. For example, if you are practicing at a rate of 60 rounds per minute, then you would have completed total of 180 rounds (with gap in between after every 60 rounds, for relaxation).  This completes one sitting. One may have multiple sittings – one in the morning and one in the evening.

I look forward to seeing you soon in the sacred circle of our Tantra Community. Blessings, Blessings, Blessings. 

Please post on Facebook about your experiences and join us on 
Tantra Sacred Loving Workshop

Loving and Blessings to you, 
Elite Certified Tantra Educator

[email protected]
Lisa A. Rizzoli 775-741-4090