July 2017

Published: Thu, 07/06/17

Tantra Sacred Loving  |  July 2017

Hello Beloved Tantra Sacred Loving Family,  

July has arrived with explosive fireworks that will continue throughout all of July. It's an extra hot and sizzling month of classes, workshops, and a New Moon Fire. Big changes are in the air. Let's create our own fireworks throughout the month and live a life of expanded pleasures. 

Tantra is a practice that reminds us EVERYTHING is spiritual. Many people focus on the aspects of Spiritual or Sacred Sexuality, which is amazing. Developing tools to enhance our sexual experiences allows us to go deeper into the realms of energy. We learn to work (transmute) that energy to expand our understanding of connection. Connection to ourselves, to another person(s) and to spirit. These practices continue to bring more joy and bliss into my life daily and that is what I want to share with you.  How can your life be even more joyful, more blissful? Let's explore the possibilities. 
Kevin and I will be teaching a class on July 12th in Reno, The Ups and Downs of Male Arousal. We will be focusing on specific techniques for men to become multi-orgasmic, pleasuring the lingam (penis) and the difference between orgasm and ejaculation. This class is open for all genders, see you there!

Ups and Downs of Male Arousal: Becoming a Multi-Orgasmic Man Reno--July 12th

Then I am off to Denver, Colorado to teach Explore Your Pelvic Floor: Yoni Egg and Womb Wisdom DENVER, CO--July 15th 
Austin, Texas to teach Explore Your Pelvic Floor: Yoni Egg and Womb Wisdom AUSTIN, TX July18th and
The Ins and Outs of Female Arousal: A Hands-On Workshop Austin, TX--July 22nd 

My dear friends and colleagues, Judith Shivani Davis and Dawn Beck, will be hosting a beautiful weekend workshop of Honoring The Wisdom of the Yoniverse outside of Boulder, Colorado August 4-6th. This is a beautiful way to expand on the work we will doing with the Yoni Egg. For more information and to register, please contact Dawn at 720 333-7978 [email protected] or Judith at 303 818-3445 [email protected] This is going to be an extraordinary weekend for extraordinary women. 

Please join us at one or more of these events to discover more pleasure, bliss and spirit in your life. 

Here is a link to the calendar for more classes and upcoming events:

July New Moon Fire-- July 23rd
Hot, Sizzling, Sexy Puja -- August 2nd
August New Moon Eclipse Fire --August 21s

Breath of the Month: 
Full Breath to Enhance your Sexual Practices

Begin in a seated position, find the alignment in your spine. 
Place your hands on your lower belly.
Gently close your eyes.
Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth, notice the rise and fall of the breath in your belly. 
After a few breaths like this, begin to deepen your inhalation. 
Inhale for a count of 5, hold for a count of 3 and exhale for a count of 5, hold out for a count of 3 (as you master this breath, you can increase the numbers up to 20). Repeat (Start with 3 minutes of this breath and increase as you master the techniques). 
Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth, on the ridgy area behind the front teeth. 
As you inhale bring your awareness to the breath, feel it go up your spine, through each chakra, squeeze in the pelvic floor (root lock--mula bandha). When you are ready to exhale, release the squeeze, feel the breath travel down your spine, through the chakras to the base.

I look forward to seeing you soon in the sacred circle of our Tantra Community. Blessings, Blessings, Blessings. 

Please post on Facebook about your experiences and join us on 
Tantra Sacred Loving Workshop

Loving and Blessings to you, 
Elite Certified Tantra Educator

[email protected]
Lisa A. Rizzoli 775-741-4090