It's birthday time...

Published: Thu, 08/14/14


Those of you who know me, know I love to celebrate my birthday (happening on Saturday 16th August) each year by doing a special give away.

This year is no different.  What  better way to celebrate than to give away a special gift!  :O) But only for as long as it is my birthday somewhere in the world...

So to help you save a bit of money, I'm giving away my latest eBook - How To Get Your Bank Fees Reversed to everyone that takes action and grabs a copy of my best selling How To Add a PDF on Facebook eBook during my birthday window. 

Who wants to be paying a bank more money than you have to right? ... they're making billions already!  So my ebook shows you proven steps to use to get a bank to say yes and give you your money back.

In order to grab the goodies, you need to take action now and head to  to grab my PDF on Facebook ebook, and when you do, we'll gift you our Banking eBook. Simple!

Remember, you need to visit whilst it is still my birthday somewhere in the world. Hint: that means you have to take action before the end of the weekend. Head to right now whilst you remember.

Right! I'm off to prepare for my B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y.!!!!

Warm regards, 

Wendy Chamberlain

P.S. Remember, take action now whilst it is still my birthday somewhere in the world. Head to right now whilst you remember.