Today's the day...

Published: Sun, 10/05/14

Hi ,

The day you've been waiting for is finally here!

 In just a few hours, Jan Slack-Smith will open enrolment to her much-anticipated course, The Ultimate Guide to Renovation 2014.

 So, do yourself a favor and bookmark this link NOW.

 This is where you need to be at exactly 2pm EST to get in on the most talked-about course in the Australian property-investing community.

 I'm serious -- the buzz for this thing has been DEAFENING. And with the all free content Jane's been pumping out for the past month or so, you know this course will be all it's cracked up to be--and MUCH more.

 So make sure and be at this website come 2pm EST.

 Because Jane will close the enrolment this Thursday, 9th of October, I'd hate to see you get shut out.

 With Warm Regards, 

P.S. On second thought, don't get there at 2pm EST....

 Get there a few minutes early and start hitting the "refresh" button. Because if the tremendous buzz is any indication, there will be thousands just like you, straining to burst through the gates once they open.

 So grab your spot in line early.