Serve! E-zine: Issue 61

Published: Thu, 05/10/12

Issue #61
Serve! E-zine 
Kindness Outreach Coaching Available With Steve & Janie Sjogren

"Kindness Outreach Coaching with Steve and Janie Sjogren is now being offered through the Network to five churches! Over the last 20 years Steve & Janie have worked with hundreds of churches that have been transformed as they put outward-focused principles into practice. Just 5 slots are available in this first coaching cluster. Learn more...


12 Things Your Church Needs to Know... by Steve Sjogren

"3. There's always a process to what you're doing
God is at work with your people and those you seek to reach. God is continually doing something though we are sometimes frustrated with his timetable. Our desire is for details to work out quickly. None of us are naturally patient, but then again God's work is more stable than ours.

4 Warm Weather Outreach Ideas by Janie Sjogren

"It's getting warmer and this changes what we can do to show love to our communities.  Take a look at your supply closet, and do some spring-cleaning to freshen everything up.  The typical toilet-cleaning kits and windshield washing supplies are a start, but add some more spark to your outreaches with a good variety of options at the ready. Here are four outreach ideas for warmer weather."

5 Obstacles to Evangelism by Doug Murren

Everything that has to do with communication runs into some hurdles.  Bringing a message of hope can even have hurdles it must face.  When trying to nudge someone into Jesus' arms there are five obstacles to evangelism you should be aware of."

4 Lessons Kindness Outreach Teaches You...But Seminary Doesn't by Samuel Aldridge

"I have found there are many things that just cannot be learnt about the Christian life from the seminary classroom, or the church sanctuary.  Some of these lessons are assumed, and others are overlooked, whilst with some the theory is mentioned, but the lesson never truly learnt or understood.  To learn these lessons we have to go somewhere else."

Why Kindness? It's Naturally Supernatural by Steve Sjogren

"What humans often confuse with with true kindness is actually 'Niceness.'  Niceness is great. Hurrah for niceness!  There are far worse things for one to be caught up with than niceness.  Make no mistake however - human niceness is utterly different than the kindness of God."

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