Serve! E-zine - Issue 63

Published: Tue, 03/12/13

The outward-focused e-zine published by Steve Sjogren
Serve! E-zine
St. Patrick - Patron Saint of Servant Evangelism by Steve Sjogren
This time of year there is a lot of hoopla around a lot of silliness that has little to do with the origins of St. Patrick's Day. Somehow I don't think the real St. Patrick was all that excited about the color green. I'm pretty positive he wouldn't pinch someone who wasn't wearing green. I doubt he ever ate corned beef and cabbage. I'm not sure where those nutty traditions got started. They're fun to do once a year but they have absolutely nothing to do with good 'ol Patrick.

Heaven's Lessons, 10 Things I Learned About God When I Died

(excerpt from Steve Sjogren's new book)

Steve Sjogren had no choice but to listen to God as he hung in the balance between life and death during a surgery gone horribly wrong.  

Lesson 4:  God Especially Enjoys Irregular People

As I floated above my own body-in the Trendelenburg position, with my feet elevated above my head-on the day of my botched surgery, I sensed a deep peace that I'd never known in life, in spite of the chaos below.

The Bible refers to a "peace that surpasses understanding."  I'm not sure it's possible for any of us to get to the point of being completely free from the feeling of fear and lack in the natural, but for that brief time I felt free from that, I could have stayed in that place of freedom forever.

Then I heard some words that threw a monkey wrench into things: "I'm touching you so that you will walk with a limp from now on."

Some of us have come from less ideal backgrounds than others.  You can't do one thing to change your history.  The good news, however, is that God has been in the reclamation business.  He is working on you, and will keep on working on you until you become all that he wants you to be.  So relax.  He's not finished with you yet.  Here are a few of the other Lessons About God that Steve Sjogren shares in his new book, Heaven's Lessons:

  • God is Big
  • Facing Your Fears
  • Quit Quitting
  • Success Works Backwards
  • Get Over It!

3 Book Bundle
Save Big! 3 Book Bundle - Heaven's Lessons, Outflow, 101 Ways To Reach Your Community - Free Shipping!

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*Free shipping only for US customers. If you live outside the US, contact us and we will hook you up with a great deal still, just not this one.


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Excellent Mistake - Doing Outreach Alone by Steve Sjogren

From time to time in Serve I am going to post Excellent Mistakes I have made in outreach over the years. These are "excellent" mistakes because I have learned from them and our typical step of progression is "Two steps forward, one step backward." Thus, we are making progress in dropping the ball!

Of course we are able to do outreach on our own. We ought to be willing to do significant acts of outreach apart from our need for a team. There is plenty we can do that is accomplished just by ourselves. However in the long run that policy is going to lead to burnout. We will quit if we seek to be a one-person outreach team. We just aren't wired to do this stuff apart from connecting with others who are similarly wired to us, with both our weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

Fire left alone has a tendency to go out rather quickly. This is just as true in the spiritual world as it is in a physical realm. We need others who are going the same direction as us in outreach. It is vital that we team up with others who have a similar heart. You can't go it alone in outreach. You need at least a couple of others to team up with you in order to do this for the long haul. The question is How can we move forward to make it for the distance? How can we proceed in a way that is going to endure? Sprinting down the path for a short bit is simple enough. Many can do that. To make it for a marathon distance takes some careful strategy. Jesus calls us to give our entire lives to his cause, for the rest of our lives. This is a matter of the lordship of Jesus.

Don't Do Outreach Alone

15% Off 3 New Outreach
Connect Card Designs

1000 cards for $120 + 15% off
500 cards for $100 + 15% off
2500 cards for $185 + 15% off
5000 cards for $225 + 15% off

Click on any of the images above to order one of the designs. Each of the three designs has five color options!

"A connection card is a small, business-sized card you can leave with those you've served. The idea isn't to accomplish a sales job where you promote your church.

Rather, it's a simple way to leave your church's info so that when future needs arise, those you've served will have a way of reconnecting with you." - adapted from the book 101 Ways To Reach People In Need by Steve and Janie Sjogren.

*Coupon good until March 31, 2013.