Are You Bored?

Published: Tue, 05/13/14

Hi Larry,
I had a great conversation yesterday with a friend. She's been 
reading my stuff for years, and appreciates it. That's what she
told me, and I believe her.
She also said something profound. No matter how valuable
anyone's message is, at a certain point they lose the ability to
hear it.
It's no different from a favorite food, I suppose. I love lobster.
And I love blackberries. But after having them for several
days in a row, I lose the anticipation of them coming.
Sure they taste good, but I'm looking for a little change!
The reason I'm telling you this is because it lines up perfectly
with what's going on here at NO MORE HOLDING BACK.
Later today I'm going to interview Jennifer Colford. She's the
author of a new book called Managing Mothering. She's got
a powerful story to tell. 
And over the next few days I'm going to have a chat with 
David-Dorian Ross. He's a seven time National Champion
in the martial art of Tai Chi.
And later this week I'm going to have a chat with Kellan
Flukiger. He's a former CEO of an energy company and 
high end marketing coach.
The point is...there are some changes happening in my neck
of the woods.
I'll be spending some time with some major dudes. High achievers,
risk takers, the kind of people others dream of becoming.
They're here. And I want you to meet them.
Still lots of great stuff for you. In fact, go check out this note
about the myth of too many people to help.
If you're bored, if you've been lulled to sleep by the parade
of good stuff, I have two words for you...
There's a major ride coming...and it starts now.
Consider this your invitation to take it with me.
Much Love,
P.S. What do you want to see? What's interesting to you?
I've got access to some big players. Tell me what will
be a game changer to you.
Then, if you like, be prepared to make a commitment to
change your game.