Weight Loss Lies

Published: Thu, 12/11/14

OK, disclaimer up front...I've never been obese.
So you may not take me seriously when I say what
I'm about to say.
I have however been ashamed of my body many
times in my life.
And I have helped people who were obese lose
weight and get their health back.
And not too long ago, I remember sitting in a room
with people I respected. I felt old, fat and bad.
And then I went back to what I know works, 
and started teaching it.
And everything changed.
Read on...
It amazes me we are still dealing with the idea that
weight loss - real weight loss - can be accomplished
simply by eating less and exercising more.
When will we finally adjust to the idea that for most
of us a healthy body, which includes a healthy weight
means not just physical well-being but mental, emotional
and spiritual well-being as well?
If all it took was "eat less, exercise more," don't you
think we'd be doing it?
And of course, the reality is a hell of a lot more
complex than that.
We all have our balance, our "set point." And there
are a whole bunch of different things that factor into it.
And what we eat, how we eat, how we move, how we
fail to move, how we live, things we hang onto, people
we hang onto...these all contribute to how we look,
how we feel, who we become.
And when we're out of balance, one of the first
things that happens...how we protect ourselves,
is by gaining weight.
"But hey...don't worry. I've got a magic pill for you.
A magic potion. A magic diet."
To try to correct that imbalance in us that often
shows up in excess weight...that is is a fool's errand.
And I'm damn sick and tired of seeing people victimized
by the next fad, the next multilevel program, the next
marketing strategy that dashes their self-esteem against
the rocks yet one more time.
So I'm bringing it back out.
The program that was piloted this past summer and fall.
With a rebranding...
The T3 Method For Ultimate Health.
Total Transition Training
I'm going to roll out details over the next few days.
Leave it at this...until you get to the place where you
are ready to be healthy and well...
Ain't no pill or superfood or workout gonna do it for you.
And when you are ready...
You'll find the ones that work for you...and use them.
Because there are a lot of great solutions out there.
And T3 will give you access to them.
Because it will give you access to yourself.
Want more info.?  
Want to (possibly) be one of the founding members?
Email Me
Subject Line:T3
I'll give you inside information.
More soon.
Much Love,
P.S.: If you already emailed with Total Health
as the subject line, no need to email again.
I already gotcha.