Snow? What Snow?

Published: Mon, 01/26/15

 Yeah, I know it's coming, .
It's here already, though not the big 
stuff we're supposed to get overnight
into tomorrow.
(And before I go too deeply into it, no
it's not just a story about snowstorms.
It's about living smart, having fun and 
being ready for anything.)
The most recent forecasts are calling
for anywhere between 18 to 30 inches.
If history kind of judge, it's probably
going to be on the high side.
I don't know about you, but why would
anyone expect anything else? It's winter
in New England! That's how we roll!
So when I hear people complain about
the weather...when they sigh and roll their
eyes and pout, I wonder...what's the point?
There are certain things that are in our control,  
If you hate snow, you can pick up and move 
to a different part of the country...or maybe 
even a different country altogether!
"But I can't just leave. I have a family. I have
a job. I have a life I carved out here!"
OK...then your purpose for complaining is what???
But let's say moving was an easier option than that?
What's stopping you? People do it all the time.
Of course if you move away from the snowstorms,
you're likely moving toward the hurricanes.
Or the tornadoes. Or the earthquakes.
You're getting the point of this...
Complaining about the inevitable is silly.
And a colossal waste of energy.
And a denial of your own resourcefulness.
And a shame, because you are radiating misery,
when there are so many better options.
Snowed in? Go grab the shovel and clear a small
path every hour or so. 
That's what I intend to do, until Big Don the plowman
comes and works his magic on the driveway!
And I'm going to allow my daughter Sarah to
make me tea...and any other deliciousness
she chooses to cook up for her pops!
And I'm going to celebrate my other daughter's
first blizzard in her own apartment.
Look, choices are everywhere. And I'll tell you
what we all know, and always forget...
You don't control the weather.
You DO control how you respond to it.
And don't control the economy.
Or trends in business. 
Or whether that person thinks you're cute, or cool.
But you do control your response to all of them.
And if you respond with a sense of humor, and
commitment to make your part of the world 
a little bit better...
It starts getting bigger. And a more fun place
to be around.
Snow or no snow.
Much Love,
P.S: We had an epic audio training last night at
the T3 Method: Total Transformation Training.

Yeah, it's about health and weight management.

Because that's what people want.

It's about so much more.

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