You're On The Inside!

Published: Sun, 06/28/15

Hey Hey!

Real quick..

Because you're on my list, I want to
make sure you have FIRST DIBS
on everything that's going on this summer
before we open it up to the public.

Tomorrow night, Diane and I are holding
an exclusive webinar, and you're invited.

During the webinar we will be detailing
our summer school program, which will
include my inaugural MIND INTENSIVE
six week mind makeover.

Whether you want some fre.e marketing training
from Diane, a 15 year vet...

Or want to look into what's holding you back
with me, tomorrow night will be a quick
overview of everything that's going on
this summer

Come Tuesday, the ads will be running and the
crowds will be pouring in. But we want to give
you some special attention for being a loyal subscriber.

Meet us tomorrow (Monday) at 8:00 pm Eastern.
It will be an in and out get together where we'll
explain  it all lickety split.

2015 is going to be a summer to remember.

But most importantly it's the summer that will 
set you up for 2016...your biggest year ever.


Talk Soon,