What's it all about ?

Published: Tue, 03/28/17

More from the Personal Life Analysis
Over recent months we've been looking at the questions I ask in my free Personal Life Analysis, where you rate your satisfaction with important areas of your life.
It then sends you a nice full colour chart pinpointing the areas you can focus on that are likely to make the most difference. Remember you can take it as many times as you like, for free. 

Last time we looked at your satisfaction with your finances and now I am going to be very brave and look at the question about your sense of meaning in life.

Well, how long have you got...but we can look at the basics. ​​​​​​​
We all need to feel that who we are and what we do matters in some way. Whether we articulate this consciously or not, we all need some reason to get out of bed in the morning and go and do whatever it is we do. 

Often, of course, it's around earning a living and providing for our basis needs and those of our families, and I know very well how busy that can keep you for years on end! 

But eventually it always comes down to more than that. One place to start is with the exercise recommended by the renowned Steven Covey, who suggests that you step back and think about the whole of your life and imagine what people might say about you. How would you like to be remembered? What is your legacy to the world?

I did this a few years ago and I came up with 'You could trust her', and 'She was fun'. Now I might add, 'She did what mattered' - and that is not going to be, 'She met all her KPI's on time'!!

How is it for you? Is your life congruent with your deepest values? If not, what needs to change? 
How empathy can help  
Looking for your purpose in life certainly has benefits, but one danger is you might get too involved with yourself to the exclusion of the bigger picture. So here's an interesting piece from the highly renowned neuroscientist Dr Sarah McKay about how cultivating empathy can balance this out. 

I have said before how interesting her site and blogs are, and you can sign up for  free on her website here.

What's your Executive State?
I regularly work with senior executives and there is a slightly different process from more personal and wellbeing coaching. This month I'm going to start sharing that with you, as you are all people with jobs or things to do, and the questions may help you reflect and improve the way you do things. 

You can try the full questionnaire for free here - it's set out as an intake form but you can ignore any bits that aren't relevant. 

Here is one of the questions  - What three words would your work colleagues use to describe you? Would it be different for your family and friends?  If so, what does this tell you? 

It's worth really thinking about this one! It can be very revealing!

We'll have another look at this questionnaire next time. 

What's going on at This Coaching Business
I'm really getting my head down now and working more on my online courses, which are now hosted by Thinkific. The first one is here, it has a free trial section and it's all about the simple things you can do to increase your well being.

I've got several in the pipeline - what topics would you like to see? 

I continue to offer a limited number of face to face or remote personal and executive coaching sessions,  for senior managers and entrepreneurs, especially in health and social care. Of course this often overlaps with personal coaching as we are all people first, even if we do have super important jobs.

If you're wondering about what coaching involves and whether to undertake it yourself, you can book a short free no obligation call with me here

Let me know if there is anything I can assist you with, and I'll be in touch again soon. 
All best wishes,


 P.S. if you like this update and you got it from someone else then you can get your own personal regular copy by signing up safely here. Please feel free to share it with anyone you think may like it; just keep the attribution to me. You also get a free download on sign up that will help you increase your well being, effectiveness and resilience.