Are you organised ?

Published: Tue, 05/09/17

Hello , I hope you are well? 

Apologies for the late delivery of April's bulletin; I was in Scotland with unreliable wifi - but the scenery was lovely!
More from the Personal Life Analysis
So - back to my free Personal Life Analysis, where you score different areas of your life. You then get a nice full colour chart pinpointing the areas you can focus on that are likely to make the most difference.

Last time we considered meaning and purpose in life; this time it will be a bit easier, as we think about  Getting Organised. 
We can look at this on a number of levels in various contexts. Do you have a neat and tidy desk, cleared at the end of every day? Do you know where everything is at home, from the receipt for the lawnmower you bought three years ago that's just gone wrong, to the torch you need when the power goes off? Do you remember birthdays, do you get all your work done - you get the picture, I'm sure!

In a bigger context this could be about your hopes and plans for all of your life.

Whatever the context, if you are well organised it will save you lots of time and save headaches. I know it's becoming fashionable to downplay technology, and of course you can overdo the use of it, but it's incredibly useful for organisation and productivity.  So here are a few tips for being organised....I hope they are helpful!
Keep lists, by all means, but have a way of prioritising them. I'm a big fan of Google Calendar, and I make nice colour coded blocks which I can easily move to the next day if things don't get done. I think, what are the three most important things to do today and start the first one. Outlook Tasks works pretty well too. 

Don't spend too long on a task - note down when you started it and if you're still doing it 25 minutes later, get up and walk about or stretch, change your eyes' focus. This is the basis of the  Pomodoro technique - yes, it does make you think of tomatoes, but it works very well! You can find out more here.
Getting everything ready the night before is also a big help - clothes, lunchbox, briefcase and so on. Of course children can sabotage this; I still remember my poor friend who was once colossally late for everything because her little daughter had decided to hide all the shoes! But you get the picture - little things make a big difference. 

My new best friend in this context is Evernote - you do have to pay a small fee but it is the most flexible and comprehensive organiser I have come across. I heard of another app called Things ( on the App Store and Google Play Store), which I might have tried if I hadn't already got Evernote. 

What works best for you? Feel free to comment on my Facebook page and share your thoughts.
More reasons why mindfulness is good for you​​​​​​​
Having a few days holiday in Scotland has given me chance to catch up on my reading, and I want to share this nugget with you from Cynthia Bourgeault, a most original and refreshing writer (you can look her books up on Amazon). In essence, the observation is that neuroscience has found that when we are in a fear, flight, freeze state, the neurones linking to our most ancient brain, the reptilian part, are activated, whereas if we 'soften, accept,  lean into' whatever is bothering us, a totally different neuronal pathway lights up, linked to the most recently evolved part of the brain. In my book, that's got to be good.
You may recall that STOP is a good way to notice when things are getting out of balance. It goes like this, 

S for STOP what you're doing
T for Take a deep breath
O for Observe what's going on
P for Proceed with kindness.

I read about HALT the other day - it is from Alcoholics Anonymous and is a great tool for working out exactly what's wrong. 

Are you H for Hungry, A for Angry, L for Lonely or T for Tired? Much of the time, fixing just one of these can be all you need. 

What do you think? 
What's your Executive State?
I regularly work with senior executives and there is a slightly different process from more personal and wellbeing coaching. Lately I've been sharing that with you, as you are all people with jobs or things to do, and the questions may help you reflect and improve the way you do things. 

You can try the full questionnaire for free here - it's set out as an intake form but you can ignore any bits that aren't relevant. 

Here is another question - how well do your personal values and beliefs match those of your organisation? 

We'll have another look at this questionnaire next time. 

What's going on at This Coaching Business
I continue to work on my online courses, which are now hosted by Thinkific. The first one is here, it has a free trial section and it's all about the simple things you can do to increase your well being.

I've got several in the pipeline - what topics would you like to see? I've got these topics lined up - assertiveness, time management, surviving your assessor job (for a particular group of clients).

I continue to offer a limited number of face to face or remote personal and executive coaching sessions,  for senior managers and entrepreneurs, especially in health and social care. Of course this often overlaps with personal coaching as we are all people first, even if we do have super important jobs.

If you're wondering about what coaching involves and whether to undertake it yourself, you can book a short free no obligation call with me here

Let me know if there is anything I can assist you with, and I'll be in touch again soon. 
All best wishes,


 P.S. if you like this update and you got it from someone else then you can get your own personal regular copy by signing up safely here. Please feel free to share it with anyone you think may like it; just keep the attribution to me. You also get a free download on sign up that will help you increase your well being, effectiveness and resilience.