All best wishes for the New Year !

Published: Mon, 01/01/18

Wishing you a very happy new year!
Just a quick message,, to wish you all the best in 2018.

It's been a rather VUCA year for many - that is, life has been Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous, not to mention downright difficult - but take heart; we can start again each day. 

You might be looking to make some changes in the New Year, maybe in the work you do, or how you do it, so here are a few free resources and links to get you thinking about this. In the attachment are some questions about where you are now and how that could be improved. Then there are any number of free self assessment tools on the internet about your skills and strengths; here's just one that I like, focussing on the values that you need to have met at work. Finally, on the Government website there are lots of resources to help you further. 
 If you want to take a wider view of things you can use my free Personal Life Analysis at any time, as often as you like. It's here
What's going on at This Coaching Business
If you need to find a belated Christmas present you may like to consider the gift of a coaching session to a friend. Let me know if you are interested in this and I'll give you all the details.

I have a couple of spaces left for January, and also three spaces for executive coaching sessions available for senior managers and entrepreneurs, especially in health and social care. Of course this often overlaps with personal coaching as we are all people first, even if we do have super important jobs.

If you're wondering about what coaching involves and whether to undertake it yourself, you can book a short free no obligation call with me here

Let me know if there is anything I can assist you with, and I'll be in touch again soon. 

All best wishes, Barbara

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​P.S. if you like this update and you got it from someone else then you can get your own personal regular copy by signing up safely here. Please feel free to share it with anyone you think may like it; just keep the attribution to me. You also get a free download on sign up that will help you increase your well being, effectiveness and resilience.