The Two Most Powerful Words Known To Man

Published: Mon, 06/01/09

"Empowering Ordinary Citizens to Make an Extraordinary Difference"

The Two Most Powerful Words Known to Man

Through Stephen Palmer
Kindly remove your shoes, honored reader; we stand on holy ground.
Come now. Enter this sacred temple. Let us speak reverently as we approach the altar.
Do you know the temple of which I speak? Do you detect the magic that gushes through your veins, that permeates your cells, that animates your every act?
Lean in closely. Carefully. Extend your hands. I will place in them the word -- the force -- that both redeems and damns, that elevates and debases, creates and destroys, the force that builds men and nations and dashes them to dust.
CAUTION: Handle it gently. Care for it vigilantly. This force is not to be trifled with.
The temple in which we stand, this altar we approach, the holy ground that sustains humanity, the magic, the power, the word is this: Choice.
Grip this power tightly. Vow to never forget it. Embrace it. Cherish it. Revel in it. Immerse yourself in this power that determines all that you hold dear, all that you fear, all that you aspire to, all the temptations to which you relent.
Do you wield this force? Consciously? Consistently? If not, you are but a brutish shadow of what could be.
WATCH: Gaze upon your hand. Lift it now. High. Now lower it. Slowly. Deliberately. Be mesmerized by the choice-light that radiates from the archetypical act. Or, feel empowered by abstaining. It is your choice either way.
Consider your most revered friend. You have chosen to love him or her. Think of your most hated enemy. You have chosen to hate him or her.
Yours is the choice to fashion dreams, or to wallow in the swamp of unrealized potential. Yours is the choice to heal, or to abuse. Yours is the choice to take offense, or to understand. Yours is the choice to speak with purity, or obscenity. Yours is the choice to show compassion, or to criticize.
Yours is the choice to avoid choosing, thus banishing yourself to the dungeon of mediocrity.
LISTEN: Choice speaks to those with ears to hear.
You, who trudge through your uniform days, entrenched in monotony, embattled with triviality, burdened by pettiness, thwarted by distraction.
To you, Choice urges: Awake and arise to greatness.
You, whose lives are shrunken and hollow from placing blame, whose creativity is consumed devising excuses, whose power is sucked dry by the vacuum of victimhood.
To you, Choice declares: Embrace responsibility.
You, whose energy bleeds into the fierce grip of harbored pain, whose lives revolve around offense, who derive twisted pleasure from suffering, whose existence is circumscribed by the actions of others.
To you, Choice fervently whispers: Surrender thy pain.
You, consumed by lust, embroiled in unbridled passion, haunted by insatiable craving, stained by sordid pleasure, drowning in filth, driven mad by counterfeits.
To you, Choice warns: Master thyself.
You, enraptured by the illusory gleam of steel, held captive by convenience, enticed by shortcuts, whose idol is American Idol, whose highest ideal is retirement, for whom comfort is the defining criteria of the good life.
To you, Choice pleads: Seek the divine.
You, plagued by ambition, addicted to power, who sell your soul to control, who abandon principles to manipulate, whose beam-filled eyes probe for external slivers.
To you, Choice challenges: Turn inward.
You, imprisoned by fear, enlisted in the mob, who tread lightly on the well-beaten path, who leave no mark to follow, who squander your gifts by fitting in, whose truest Self remains unclaimed.
To you, Choice exclaims: Seize thy birthright!
To humanity this sacred power exhorts, beseeches, shouts from the rooftops: CHOOSE WISELY!
You are no puppet, no ward of the state, no powerless, tepid, spineless creature. You are no mere beast, subject only to instinct. You are not condemned to slosh through the physical realm until released mercifully by death.
Pierce the veil of your limitations. Peel back the cover between you and your potential. Shed fear. Cast aside the entrapments of your past life of unconscious enslavement. Emerge as a resurrected being. Die the death of dependence. Birth anew. Let your Soul ascend beyond this restricted, tangible plane.
Cast aside the demons of doubt as they strive to stifle your Voice. Let bitterness and anger roll off your choice-oiled skin. Flip on the switch of your Light Self. Expel the darkness from your life with love-choices. As you do so, no form of negativity, deceit, or degeneracy can withstand your presence.
The essence of darkness, in all its hideous manifestations, is this: You do not have a choice.
Darkness is a miserable, ugly, twisted devil hissing in your ear, spraying you with venom: "You are not good enough. You are not smart enough. You are powerless. Do not even try to become something better -- you will get made fun of, you will be hurt, you will only be disappointed by your failure. It is her fault. He made you do it. You are entitled. No one will see."
Grasp your magic Creator staff and COMMAND the darkness to flee before you. Strike that demon to the ground. Trample him with the fierceness of creation.
Choice is your birthright. Choice is your heritage. Choice is your privilege. Choice is your curse if you fail to exercise it to elevate your life and fuel your endeavors.
Will yours be the tragedy of what might have been, or the legacy of what is? Answer that question not with words, but with deeds. Answer it not by default, but by design.
Choose to act, and yield not to the forces and people who seek to act upon you. Carve out your path from the fertile wilderness of the unknown, the untried. Apply your intuition, vision, heart, mind, hand, might, and strength to thought, words, and material. Harness them, shape them, mold them into something different, more useful, more holy. Manifest potential from reality.
Leap into the darkness. If you are not caught, can landing be any worse than your current existence? You will land. And your old, limited, fearful self will shatter into oblivion. Your pure Self will remain, from which you will craft a choiceful life -- the only life worth living.
Leverage choice to propel you ever higher, purer, nobler, more capable, more useful. Fixate not on where you are, but your bearing and the speed of your progression.
HEED: Choice beckons.
Exit this temple now, exalted reader, and carry this intense light, this pure knowledge through your sojourn. This, dear reader, is the freedom you crave.
And have you gleaned the two words? No, they do not appear in sequence in this article.

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