Monthly Newsletter: You Have A Purpose By Carl Woolston

Published: Sun, 06/06/10


"Empowering Ordinary Citizens to Make an Extraordinary Difference"
You Have A Purpose
You have a purpose -- and it may not be what you think it is. In fact, you only see a small glimmer of the diamond that you are and the difference you will make.
Life is a path, which is only lit a few steps in front of us as we walk it day after day, week after week, year after year.
Because the path is lit just a few steps ahead, many choose to look directly down and not rest their hopes and effort on an unlit destiny.
Vision and purpose, however, look directly into the darkness ahead with courageous optimism, knowing that eventually light will come.
"My wife and I both had the gut feeling that we were supposed to start our married life in Colorado, where my wife had spent her high school years and where her family lived. It didn't make sense logically - we were stepping into the dark. It made sense to start in Utah, where in-state tuition would be cheaper and where we both had jobs."
They say hindsight is 20/20, because looking back gives perspective. Many spend their entire lives in a constant gaze toward past horizons.
The unknown, the future horizon, is more challenging because we fear what we cannot see. The path forward is often scary.
The bigger you think, the greater impact you want to have, the more aware you'll become of the deep darkness that fills every crevice of perspective -- or lack thereof.
The future may be bright, as they say, but you must travel through the darkness to get there.
"The education and relationships I made in Colorado were what my wife and I both needed. The relationships we forged from this time have come back to open doors again and again for us. The experiences we had were beyond what we could have imagined. Looking back it was definitely where we were supposed to be."
 As you venture forward there are times your knees will bump together so loud you'll run to the front door to see if anyone is there, only to realize that it was your own fear.
Within that darkness there is purpose waiting for you, placed there by God, only to be found by those who are willing to search.
It is found by doing the right things over and over and over and over again. It is, in its simplest form, a commitment to good.
Purpose is whispered to the soul in short, piercing breaths of divine suggestion. These moments of powerful perspective become a guiding star in the pursuits ahead.
I hope everyone reading this will experience these powerful and personal moments. They have happened to me in moments where I have sought solace through meditation and prayer, and gained incredible personal insight and perspective.
To experience the revelation of purpose is both deeply personal and rewarding. It cannot be described but must be experienced.
It illuminates the mind and heart; it gives energy and resolve that will last through the trials ahead.
To understand your purposes is a gift; more valuable than any treasure. The gift of understanding why you were born is one. The gift of knowing what you're supposed to build to make a difference is another.
Purpose comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. It is never one size fits all.
To some influence is revealed, to some it is given to nurture at deep, intimate levels, ultimately healing the wounds and scars from the battlefield of life.
Some have a purpose to teach and inspire others to greatness. There are many scenarios, as vast as the stars in the sky, but each customized for exactly you.
"To an outside observer, my decisions and actions may not make sense. The businesses I have started, the people I meet, what I read, and even my daily movements are fueled by this personal revelation of purpose. It isn't so much as what I'm exactly supposed to do but more who I am. Not just the outer traits but the real who I am. The incredible aspect of living this way is that I understand more and more about my purpose every day and life becomes more fulfilling and incredible."
I invite you on the journey. True leadership is performed by those who step into the darkness and come back to others to show them the path.
The best leaders take an inward journey of self-discovery and self-education.
Deep and personal leadership education provides a light source along the path by those who have already made the journey.
The quality and depth of education and self-discovery is often overlooked and underappreciated, or simply ignored because it takes time.
Great books have become one of my key companions along the journey. They have provided roadmap and instructions, where otherwise I would have been lost or made detrimental mistakes.
Time is the fourth dimension of our results, the law that keeps cause and immediate effect hidden from view.
The doorway to long-term consequences can only be opened by the key of faith.
"I had a goal and vision for myself a number of years ago that I would be my own boss again. Just a few years before, I stepped away from two business pursuits whose season had passed like leaves falling from a tree in the fall. I knew it was time to move on, although I didn't know exactly what the future held. I had lined up work in a new and unfamiliar industry, knowing that it wouldn't be my final destination, but would provide income while I built the right thing.
"Great opportunities came to me to learn and mentor with great people but still I had a longing to build something, to own my future, and to do it right. It took several years soaking up and learning from mentors, books, and anything I could get my hands on. Now, I own several companies again and things have never been brighter.
"There are four keys that have been foundational. 1) The inspiration of purpose combined with 2) a vision of what I wanted 3) with lots of hard work 4) over time. How many of us would expect to plant lettuce in the morning and have a green salad by dinner?"
Your purpose will be found through that door that requires faith. Open it, step into the darkness, find out who are, and light your path with mentors and education.
Your life will never be the same.

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