It Answers that One Frustrating Question...

Published: Mon, 01/17/11

You've heard it. You've probably asked it yourself.
You learn about America's problems. You're dismayed by the decline of freedom.
But then you think, "So what do we actually DO about it?"
There are answers. You can be empowered. You can make a difference.
Discover the answers in Stephen Palmer's new book, Uncommon Sense: A Common Citizen's Guide to Rebuilding America.
Download a free sample here, and purchase the book here.
Here's what Oliver DeMille says about the book:
"Uncommon Sense is earnest, idealistic, counter-intuitive and vital; a Tea Party for the soul. At times it had my heart racing, and at times moved me to tears.
"This empowering work is elegant in its simplicity and profound in its potential to move the hearts and minds of our people to own their role as the Overseers of Freedom and to advance the cause of liberty."
Read all reviews here.
Book Description

"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." -Thomas Paine

In 1776, Thomas Paine's Common Sense showered sparks on the tinder of revolution. With the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Americans formally claimed their rights, and that tinder exploded into a new age for mankind.

But more than 200 years later, the flames of freedom are dying. We cry that Washington has failed us, but that is not where the blame lies.

With our rights, We the People were given the duty to maintain them. We the People are the problem. And We the People are the solution. Our republic will be restored not through political revolution, but through a revolution of the soul--not as we point fingers upward, but as we turn inward.

In an age of blame, this is uncommon sense. And it's precisely what America needs to rekindle her light.
Download a free sample here, and purchase the book here.