"The 50 Steps of Crisis Eras" by Oliver DeMille

Published: Thu, 01/10/13

"Empowering Ordinary Citizens to Make an Extraordinary Difference"
The 50 Steps of Crisis Eras

Note to the Reader: I offered this list three years ago in early 2010, and since then the steps of crisis have advanced. I felt it was time to review and see where we are right now. Today I added a few words of commentary that update things since 2010--these are at the very end of this list. If you want, feel free to skip to the end and read the last paragraph before reading the list. It is amazing how closely we are following this!  --Oliver

Part I: The 50 Steps of Crisis Eras

The steps below come in the following general order during the 20-25 years of Crisis Eras in history. This pattern repeats itself every 80 years or so, with the last crisis era occurring between 1922-1945. Within the phases, steps can come in any order. Our current crisis era began on September 11, 2001.


The Pre-Crisis Era (Usually 7-12 Years before the Crisis)

The Fifty Steps of Crisis Eras by Oliver DeMille1. Foreign war (e.g. French and Indian, Mexican-American, WWI, Gulf War)

2. Major economic boom (e.g. the roaring twenties, the dot.com nineties boom)

3. Declining morals (both sexual and charitable)

4. Escapist entertainment (novels, the Charleston, the sitcom, etc.)

5. Salesman values are the norm: tolerance, niceness, wealth, etc.

6. Two-party conflict

7. Big institutions lose popular support (e.g. British Parliament 1780s, Congress 1860s, Presidency 1920s, courts 1990s).


The Catalyst and Its Aftermath

9-118. Major catalyst event changes everything (e.g. Boston tea party, Election of Lincoln, 1929 stock market crash, 9/11).

9. Society gears up for crisis, but nothing happens yet.


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Insider Scoop:

Upcoming book: LeaderShift

Our own Oliver DeMille has teamed with entrepreneur and leadership guru Orrin Woodward to author an upcoming book - and you're among the very first to hear about it!
The manuscript was picked up in Spring of 2012 by top publishing house Grand Central Publishing (an imprint of Hachette, the second largest publisher in the world), who fast-tracked it to release less than 1 year later on 4/16/13. 
The book is called LeaderShift. It's a business fable about elite executive David Mercer, who's become a successful turnaround specialist for failing corporations by applying his understanding of The Five Laws of Decline.
He's met his goals in life, and now sees that the freedom and opportunity that afforded him success will largely be unavailable to his loved ones of the rising generations. So he starts to apply his gifts to now determine how to effect a "turnaround" for the declining United States.
Mercer assembles a team of colleagues and gets some help from an surprising, otherworldly, source. The dialectical discussion and principles that are bandied about in the fictional narrative are hopefully going to become a part of the national dialogue. 
It's really quite a departure from Oliver's non-fiction style, although the flavor will be familiar. His publisher is thrilled about the book, and they will launch on 4/16/13.
More information to follow in upcoming communiques. Watch for it!


Oliver DeMille is the co-founder of the Center for Social Leadership, and a co-creator of TJEd.
Oliver is dedicated to promoting freedom through leadership education. He and his wife Rachel are raising their eight children in Cedar City, Utah.

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