46 Clues You're Enslaving Yourself Voluntarily

Published: Wed, 07/03/13

Social Leader Weekly

46 Clues You're Enslaving Yourself Voluntarily
It's ironic how many captives proudly pledge allegiance to the flag.

Funny how fervently we proclaim we're willing to die for freedom, but are unwilling to live free in our daily lives.

Strange how much lip service we give to being grateful for our freedom, while constantly trampling on that precious gift with poor choices.

We don't need chains, whips, and jail cells to be held captive.

Involuntary servitude is a crime against humanity. But voluntary servitude is a crime against nature, as it stifles our joy and constrains our potential.

As I explain in my book, Uncommon Sense, Viktor Frankl locked in a concentration camp cell is more free than the drug or pornography addict in America.

Voluntary servitude -- and its opposite, personal freedom -- come in five forms: spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and financial.

Answer the following questions to determine just how free you are in your life:

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Stephen Palmer is a writer and entrepreneur devoted to helping people conquer limitations, maximize their potential, and achieve true freedom.
Stephen and his wife are raising their four children in southern Utah.


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