Ever Wondered How to Save the Constitution?

Published: Tue, 06/11/13

You read the headlines.
You watch in dismay as politicians trample the Constitution, squander our money, spoil our heritage.
You wonder if it's too late.
It's never too late for good citizens to stand up and honor their role as overseers of the government.
I know we can save the Constitution.
But it's going to take an educated citizenry.
We can't save what we don't understand.
This is your last call to attend my seminar, "Hanging By a Thread," which airs tomorrow evening. 
I'll be revealing 16 specific foundational principles of the Constitution that have been lost over time.
Then I'll explain what you can do to restore them and reverse this trend.
No exaggeration: For the sake of your freedom and that of your posterity, this could very well be the most important and worthwhile $19 you ever spend.
Please join us.
Oliver DeMille
Co-Founder, The Center for Social Leadership
Register for my seminar, "Hanging By a Thread," on June 12th to learn what you can do to save the Constitution.