You'll Know the Constitution Better than 99% of Americans After This Course

Published: Mon, 07/22/13

Oliver DeMille here with some exciting news: I've got two upcoming online events that I'm certain you're going to love.
Event 1: TJEd in 2013 Online Convention
First, on August 21st, just in time for a new school year, my wife and I are offering our TJEd Back-to-School Annual Online Event, which features three presentations: 
  1. "The 9th Key" by Oliver DeMille
  2. "How to Apply the 9th Key" by Oliver DeMille
  3. "A Fresh Start" by Rachel DeMille
  4. a Bonus Class, and several free gifts - all for only $19 per family.
Learn More & Register Now for the TJEd Online Convention
Event 2: Understanding the Constitution
"Understanding the Constitution" is a 5-week course that builds off my "Hanging By a Thread" seminar.
If you attended that one, you do not want to miss the increased depth of this one.
(If you didn't attend "Hanging By a Thread," you can purchase the seminar recording here, but it's not necessary for you to attend this next one.)
By the time you're finished with this course, I guarantee you'll know more about the Constitution than 99% of the population.
You'll gain an even deeper appreciation for our cherished document, and you'll be equipped to defend it.
I'm also thrilled to announce that I will be joined in this course by Orrin Woodward, the co-author of our New York Times bestseller, LeaderShift. He'll be a guest presenter with me for two of the five presentations.
Learn More & Register Now for "Understanding the Constitution"
Please note that the regular price for this 5-week course is $249. But if you register by August 5th, you'll get it for the early-bird price of $199. Register now to save $50!
I can't thank you enough for your dedication to truth and freedom.
I look forward to learning with you over the next few weeks.
Oliver DeMille
Co-Founder, the Center for Social Leadership