Newsflash: It's Not the Government's Fault

Published: Thu, 06/20/13

I believe in freedom. 
I love America and the Constitution -- our God-inspired experiment that resulted in the freest, strongest, most prosperous nation in the history of the world.
But, like you, I'm deeply concerned with the state of our nation and where we're headed.
And like you, I'm infuriated with how Washington erodes our freedoms, squanders our money, destroys our heritage.
But I also know this: Pointing fingers upward is exactly what got us into this mess in the first place.
We the People are the government. Our freedom is our responsibility.
The more we point fingers and blame others, the more freedom we lose.
That's why I wrote my book, Uncommon Sense: A Common Citizen's Guide to Rebuilding America.
And it's why I want you to read it and share it with everyone you know.
So today I have a time-sensitive offer for anyone who cares about our country, our constitution, our freedom.
I've been working feverishly over the past several months to publish a 2nd revised and expanded hardcover edition.
If you've read the first edition, this is a totally new book. I've more than doubled the content. I've completely redesigned both the cover and interior.
Click Here to Download a Sample 

Oliver DeMille wrote my foreword, in which he says,

"[This book] is more than profound. it is downright brilliant...It belongs on your special shelf along with Tocqueville's Democracy in America, The Federalist Papers..."

Check out the video trailer:
Time-Sensitive Offer on Uncommon Sense
So here's the deal: As of 8 a.m. eastern time, the price for Uncommon Sense is set at just $10, which is 58 percent off the cover price of $23.95.
But that price will rise by $1 precisely every two hours until it reaches the regular retail price.
In other words, at 10 a.m. eastern time (9 a.m central, 8 a.m. mountain, 7 a.m. pacific), the price will rise to $11, and so forth until it reaches the retail price. 
Which means the faster you buy, the more you save.
Buy Uncommon Sense Now to Save $13.95 Off the Cover Price
And I want you to understand something: After design and printing and everything else that goes into publishing a book, my hard cost on these books is $9.65 per book.
Trust me, I'm not making any money on this.
My sincere interest is to make a difference in restoring our freedoms and rebuilding our great nation.
As common citizens, it's our fault that we're losing our freedoms. And it's our duty to protect them. 

Stephen Palmer
Founder, Life Manifestos
Buy Uncommon Sense now and you'll get the hardcover book for as little as $10, which is 58 percent off the cover price of $23.95.
The price rises by $1 every two hours, beginning at 10 a.m. eastern time, until the price reaches the regular retail price. The faster you buy, the more you save.
Buy Uncommon Sense Now to Save Up to 58%