The Two Most Powerful Words Known to Man by Stephen Palmer

Published: Wed, 11/13/13

Social Leader Weekly

The Two Most Powerful Words Known to Man
Kindly remove your shoes, honored reader; we stand on holy ground.

Enter this sacred temple. Let us reverently approach the altar.

Do you know the temple of which I speak? Do you detect the magic that gushes through your veins, that permeates your cells, that animates your every act?

Lean in closely. I will whisper the word -- the force -- that both redeems and damns, that elevates and debases, creates and destroys, that builds men and nations and dashes them to dust.

The temple in which we stand, this altar we approach, the holy ground that sustains humanity, the magic, the power, the word is this:

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Stephen Palmer is a writer and entrepreneur devoted to helping people conquer limitations, maximize their potential, and achieve true freedom.
Stephen and his wife are raising their four children in southern Utah.


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